Episode 15

Published on:

26th Oct 2023

7: 15 Repo Man

Seriously. Another dog murder. Unacceptable. We discuss that and more on this week's episode, Season Seven, Episode 15, Repo Man. We deeply pontificate: what happens to the possessed after the Winchesters save them and throw them out of Baby at the hospital? And learn how to perform your own exorcism. If you're a priest. Lore deep dives on the modern Catholic exorcism!

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Welcome to Devil's Trap podcast. I'm Diana.



I'm Liz.



And this week we're going to talk about season seven, episode 15. We got some special guests in the background with me today. I got my dogs being real loud.



Sorry. No, I don't think you should apologize for that. They're doing commentary. You have extra commentary by Faith and Albus, who have thoughts about this shit bag in an episode.



I mean, I think if you've watched this episode, you understand why I want my dogs near me.



Yeah, that or one of the murderers right now, they laugh. They're like, Oh, no, we saw this episode.



They're like, Fuck you. Or they're also.



They don't want to talk about this episode either. But yeah.



They're probably.



We've got some interesting things. Please do. Don't like right away. Like we're just not going to talk about the whole episode. I spy, I promise.



Yeah, I'll skip it just cause. So. Yeah. What have you been up to?



I don't even know anymore. I think I believe I went to New York last week. I'm not sure I feel like that happens, but I'm pretty sure it was one of those up and back type things, which is never fun. But I did get my. I did get a corset, which will likely be part of my Halloween outfit.



Well, the thing is, is like it's a real corset, so it's you can't really do it by yourself like you can, but it's not. So Halloween is a weekday. So no, if we're going to have anybody over like but I'm going for a pirate theme. And so this is a super awesome like I went to this store is called Gothic Renaissance and it's next to Halloween's sister store.



But they have been there forever and they just have, you know, real fucking corsets, real Halloween stuff. And the chick who is checking me out, it was just the most adorable girl. And both of us really, I think I feel like I know you, but it was like where and is just like, were you around like New York and like, know, like ten years ago at, like some of the gothic stuff?



And she was like, yes, when I was a baby back. Oh, so I don't know, I may have seen this girl before, but she was very helpful. She was like, Wow. She's like, I feel like you're a woman who knows the size of her corset. And but I was like, trying on trying this piece on. She was like, Dude, you nailed this.



Not many people do that. Like, right The first time, I'm like, pretty sure I can pick out like corsets with me. So I'm very excited. It's gorgeous. It's it's black and brocade and and then also the rest of the time I have been working on my skeleton army. That may be part of this. Maybe Diana just gets put to work, like attaching weapons and tiny skeletons.



I don't know, because we get to see each other tomorrow and I'm very excited. So that's the other thing is the very longest the.



Army of your army skeleton Army of animals.



Well, I mean, you know, this timeline, if you go, I would like to find some tiny weapons to attach with my skeleton army Amazon overnight that shit. So I've got a ton of like little swords and leg, little leg. So like, the little knives are actually really sharp. Like I was using them to open packages and I thought about like it was don't.



Know if that's good or bad.



I don't know, because I had thought about, Oh, maybe I can do something. How long you need for like, you know, like, like trick or treaters. But I was like, no, these are too dangerous and parents would hate me. It's, Hey, what about you?



What have I been doing? I, I feel like I've been really busy. Oh, I went to the fair state. Fair of Texas again, because that's really important. I love going to the state fair of Texas. And I mentioned that I enjoy it. Another corndog. And I had a fried s'more, which was bomb and fried charcuterie. And I didn't like all of this all by myself.



To be clear, I shared with people and then.



I would consider you if you did.



Well, the fried Southern roll or something. And it was collard greens, smoked turkey and gouda.



All right, good.



It was really good. Really good. And then and then the fried cacio e de Pepe from Italy. So that was all good. And then I've been working on my disco ball project, and other than that, I went and saw an amazing concert because, you know, I went to a concert and I went and saw Amigo the Devil and he was fucking amazing as as expected again.



And I'm very happy I got to go see him again.



He was playing somewhere. I maybe I was in Austin or so I saw like he was playing somewhere like two days, like after, like I was. So it was like, wow. It was like, I have to stay in his band, which I adore.



And he was really good and it was a good show and I'm happy about it then. But, you know, that's what I got. But I went out on a school night for that, so I'm very tired.



That bad girl. Bad girl, How dare you?



But I'm very excited to come get to see Liz in person. I don't think. I think it's been like longer than it's been in years since we've seen each other.



Instead of it going on. And I live further away now.



So that well, I'm going down that way at all. So there we go. Yeah. So that's that's how I got here.



Oh, very cool.



So prepping for Halloween, Both of us apparently.



You know, as you do. And I mean, I'm not saying this is an army with a tiny weapon because I'm pretty sure their lives will be extended much, much past this holiday.



Oh, I have no doubt I figured as much.



So I'm also just like fucking with me here because it was coming blows with side ponytail, but it's not. So anyways, y'all can't see me fucking with my hair. So let's talk about Repo Man. So Repo Man was an amazing movie with. Yeah.



I was very excited about this.



And also the.



Full of this episode, Full of Lies.






There are many more episodes to come, but I will say he was the second unit director on Howard the Duck, Beverly Hills Cop and the original Final Destination. His TV credits include Castle, Smallville, One Tree Hill, Firefly, which you want to hear the award for that he created all the paintings for Rod Serling's horror anthology Night Galleries. That was like 69 to 73.



Like, they're all like super cool horseshit. And also, he was the I think he was the actual director, although he made in the unit director, but he was on the credits for the whole thing, this director, and say it now, but for the Hulk Hogan film, no holds barred. Wow. We do really like crazy. But yeah, it was written by Ben Edlund, so I feel like that Edlund The one we're going to hate, hate on them.



That was for his choices. You made some choices in this episode, Ben And I don't think you had to make those choices.



No unnecessary and necessary. So yeah, so we kick off with our recap and it's got, you know, we're getting reminded about like where this whole shit went awry. We got hints of Lilith, we've got death. We've got death building the wall in Sam's mind. You got fucking Lucifer. So we all know that now they have not like this.



Well, we all know you can deduce at this from the intro that they've been ignoring the Sam cuckoo bird situation. I mean that in an endearing nice way, not in a hurtful way that we've been kind of ignoring, and now they're going to fucking address it.



I guess, or like that is becoming worse. Like we don't. We don't. I know.



Or at least are going to acknowledge it. We haven't even seen like a.



Scene that Sam is fine and dandy, like nothing is with. Like we haven't seen her Lucifer at all, but so we're not even starting now, though. So we're going back in time, I guess. What the fuck is up with this season and their flashbacks? I don't know.



Really. End of that.



Yeah, but so we're now we're flashing back again to four years ago, this time.



At a cabin and a woman knocks on the door of the cabin and Sam answers and we find out her name is RMS Havelock and she just wants to see it for herself. As Dean is torturing a demon.



Yeah. So this Havelock, though, is introduced as the Wicked Witch of the West, and I am pretty sure of that is on a lot of T-shirts.






I like it. Yeah.



And she basically helped them catch this demon. There's already a dead body in there. But now, like, Dean's going to torture this demon to. To find out about Lilith. This is flashing back to before they figured that whole shit out. So we find out the demons, like, Oh, you want to meet the host, and it's Jeffrey the mailman, and you feel real bad because Jeffrey is like, Oh.



I'm just poor, my own man.



But if you need to hurt.



Me to.



Kill this demon.



Go for it.



Because I'm a good guy.



Mm. That's. Yeah, that's what Jeffrey said. Jeffrey said that. And then Dean beats him a bunch of shit, including like a metal hammer. And Diane is like that. So me and I'm like, just a metal hammer you to be in with something else. I will. You don't get me wrong.



My perspective is.



I know you seem so. Now that you know this, you're like, Oh, only that I That Metal hammer was very tiny. Also, that was a very weird instrument. Where the. Why do you have that? It was like the same like a doctor would use like it reflexes.



Not not your normal torture to hammer.



Like would like to. Did you have this in Dean Winchester Like I don't understand. Do you have a torture go bag like where did this come from anyways? So they exorcize him after he tells them that they can find Merrick in New Orleans.



Yeah. So Merrick's in New Orleans. I get really excited. I think we're going to New Orleans episode. Do I know I don't get a fucking New Orleans episode. I get them dropping off. Poor beat up exercise host.



Like he had.



Jeffrey at the E.R..



And they like we're shooting up and he Oded and they're like, dropping their friend off in the E.R. being like, Man, we don't get caught here.



By God. He's like.






And he's like, you know, Hey, by the way, you'll be, you know, just don't a yeah, don't, don't, don't tell what actually happened because they will think you're fucking insane.



Yeah. So I think we're starting to see here also is this thing you do not do aftercare for your possession victims. And I think you really need to start incorporating this. So I mean, your husband.



Asked about that earlier be ties.



We I think there needs to be some aftercare like maybe y'all should have some psychiatrist set up like some other things. So we'll get further into this later. But the first part should be like, here is the things you can tell the doctor at this hospital that we're dropping off, dropping you off that after we nearly guilty.



Here's my number if you need if you have a question after the fact, since you can't talk about this, anybody else like anything.



Anything. Instead, I would just like to have fun. So we retraumatize you and you enjoy life or people die. Okay, so we get back to a higher Idaho, sorry, Ohio, whatever y'all would say. So we go to.



Idaho in the present, back to the present, and Sam and Dean go into a really gross motel room.



Yeah. It's not a good motel besides Funky.



No, no. And Frank calls, and Dean's real fired up.



Actually, it looks like the schools that. Like the public schools. I was out in the eighties, so it got weird painted.



Not cinderblock, but kind of like cinder block.



mentary schools in the in the:



Yeah, it does. And but while Dean's on the phone with Frank getting real annoyed that Frank's not finding more info on Roman we've got Lucifer is talking to Sam openly now and we've kind of like seen a hint of this for a couple, interestingly, but not that much of him. So he's just talking.



Sorry. And it is how.



Lucifer How.



Lucifer Hro how, how. Lucifer Thank you.



So Sam's, like, pushing on his hand to make Lucifer disappear. And it.



Works. He gives itself, then Lucifer disappears.



So there anyways, So.



They're inside that.



Maybe that's it. That's my spot. Yeah, you did. So, Dean James and I think that.



They've cultivated the industry. That is the important thing we learned here.



The boat industry. And I believe at one point Dean tells Frank to call Kanye.



But he does. And I wasn't quite sure. I almost like I almost rabbit hole to be like, where was where was Connie at and his crazy leg there is it's like where the timeline of Connie crazy was.



That in and I kind of comment so.



Hey there doing three things like we can use this as a.



Oh my gosh. So take it off the phone though. And they have files and they're looking at these ritual mutilations and the similarities between all these victims. And they're like, motherfucker, this M.O. matches that demon from four years ago. Shit. So they've got to find out if this demon came back or not. Because this is weird, because the demon shouldn't have come back because he gave up secrets, and so he should be locked up in hell.



But they go to bed with the police scanner on. It makes him for the middle of the night with another victim. And so they.



First shut up of that bedding, and then we see it closer later. And I'm like, Oh, no, I don't want to know this. At first I thought it was like one cool leopard leopard print. But then up close, you see that it's a little puffy things that would get stuck in your face, so you would wake up with the pork shoulder for of So yeah, yeah.



They ever seen I.



Guess this so they go to crime scene in a parking garage and the detective recognizes them and calls them the drummer boys because they call themselves Agent Bonham and lots before but Lucifer is they're kicking it too. So now we got a whole lot of who?



Lucifer So. Lucifer And so we're starting to get some interesting perspectives on this, though, right? Because Sam can't remember the detective's names, but who Lucifer does. So that is starting to be like, what? What's happening here? And this is where I really start fucking hating is now is or it's like with my head.



Is this like in his head really? Is it a hallucination or is he creating it or is he inhabited by. I don't.



Know. But yes, it is.



So they find sulfur on the car and other like, well, fuck, it's definitely demon. So let's go see Nora Havelock.



Let's go see her. Bitchy is wicked.



And they go to her place of business, which is an office and slash her fulfillment location I guess for Wiccans web dot com.



And she has expanded into the online business and Wiccans WebEx is owned by Warner Brothers and it will just do a site redirect and I tried to archive.org it or like to go see like where it was originally but I think it was always a redirect.



Oh well you know, she's got Devil's Trap, a freshly painted devil's trap on her floor and to protect herself. And she's been translating some old banishment because she was in over her head before and she's like and by the way, your number is not working anymore. And they're like, Oh, yeah, we've got technical issues. And then Dean gets clever monster problems.



Really? Oh, I got yeah. So she's like, I'm gonna leave town. Unless you, by the way, have you looked have you looked up, Jeffrey and devious.



Remember who Jeffrey is? And he doesn't remember the man the demon was in the fuck. Like, I'm sorry, this is a little bit still unbelievable. It's a little unbelievable. I would think that he would remember.



The guy you almost beat to death and jumped out of your car at the hospital.



Or, you know, as you were going through here, like as where you're going reviewing your notes.






Demon in here was inside of.



X, right? You think you'd have something?



Okay, so but they got from here to a group therapy session and somebody is very mad. They can't get Cinemax.



In the in the halfway house.



And so we're at a halfway house.



And Jeffrey's there. So now you feel even worse because you're like, Man, poor Jeffrey got real fucked up mentally by this whole thing. This is so sad. Like, I'd be fucked up if I was possessed by David and did a bunch of horrible shit. So I get it. And this is all sad. And then we find out. The good news is that he's been very responsible and he gets to go adopt a dog, go from the shelter.



Jeffrey Skilling dog.



And he goes and gets a dog. And a dog has its kind of shame and it's a cute little dog doggo. And then and then though he hears So Horn, this is not believable. Here's a no this guy is super traumatized. Just got a brand new dog hears a noise in the alley and goes to investigate it. That does not seem like the right action.



Well, also, Sam and Dean coming at him with a knife to his throat. Also, perhaps not the right action, just.



Well, they thought he was possessed by the same demon.



But that was how they checked. Was I don't know. I don't know. Is this just all seems wrong?



It's all it's all weird.






So they go and my notes. My notes right here literally say, poor Jeffrey.



Oh, that's the worst. The worst. And they go to just place all of them, including Hell, Lucifer, until Sam gives them a handjob. And he says, Don't bother anybody glitches away.



And like my note says Lucifer, chillin. He was chilling.



He was.



Sorry. So did Dean. Has to tell Jeffrey that, by the way, the demon might be back there if he's all upset. Three more women murdered and. And then Jeffrey's like, Wait, what was the victim's name? The last victim's name. And he's like, Where he was? Anna Why? He's like, Oh, because there was a list that he would repeat over and over again, and he had it memorize it, and it says, His name is Marjorie Willis, And they're like, Oh, shit, that must be the next fucking victim.



But Dean doesn't understand in this because demons don't do this serial killer shit, which I think is a very interesting point of kind of the myth, right? That like demons, I was right here that we know. Like, that's unusual for them. It's a normal, normal behavior.



Yeah, they don't. They don't have, like, a hit list of people like that. They have, like, a mission. And then other than that, they just kill indiscriminately. So anyways. And but he, like, tried to play off like, Oh, yeah, he said it was his job. So anyways, they're like the Alan the leader of the halfway house knocks on the door and is checking in on Jeffrey and his guest and Dean feels really bad about Jeffrey.



It's like, Oh, he's even got a state assigned dad like, Oh damn. So anyway, Sam's going to go find Marjorie and make sure she don't get murdered next, while Dean kicks it with Jeffrey to see if the demon shows up. That's really tough. So Sam goes to the library and who's at the library with him.



And. Sorry, but it's such a the library. It's such a big library. Like, it's so like, it's such a classic. Like, public library. And it's going to assault me with, like, nostalgia.



Know, it's well done.



Sorry, I've got to.



Get on it. But Lucifer's, like, just with him, and now it's like, not even like a sometimes like, Lucifer's just fucking. They're, like, hanging out with Sam at the library and anyways, and Lucifer, even they see Marjorie's the librarian there, and Lucifer just keeps trying to talk to Sam, trying to goad him into it. And it's just basically said it's been months, apparently.



So now we know it has been months. Sam has successfully ignored, quote unquote, palooza for four months.



And it's important. Well, he's trying to stalk Marjorie. Well, Sam is well, Lucifer is doing this like basically this back and forth, things like he's blocking Sam's view, which becomes this then this very interesting idea about like mind perception, if this is not in Sam's brain. Right. If it isn't Sam's brain and not real, then his like, part of his vision is literally getting locked off.



That's crazy.



That's crazy. Yeah. So weird. And like, there maybe Sam's making not a big deal about this at all.



It's just pretty chill about it.



He's just. Just fine. And so we cut from there back to Jeffrey and Dean.



Yeah, and Jeffrey details all the injuries that he had sustained at Dean's hands, including three smashed fingers, five teeth out, a broken wrists, nose and cheekbone and collarbone and 160 stitches, damage. Yeah, they said that The doctor said that he looked like he was caught in the Spanish Inquisition.



But nobody dissected it.



Nobody expects this. But yeah, but also, I thought that was an interesting choice of words because he was tortured. Mm.



Oh. Oh. Then we even get some more interesting choice of words because he says that he had trouble processing and he started to drink and drift. And then I just went to Tokyo Drift and just pictures like, no, you should eat and drink and drift like, that's a bad idea. I don't do that.



But basically he had a mental break, lost his job, and then he tried to start talking about what happened to him. And then they thought it was he's like, oh, so you went from the drunk tank so Dean knows drunk take to the psych, to a psych eval to 72 hour hold, and then a long, longer stay at the institution of your choice.



Seems like basically.



That's fucked up. That Dean knows that.



Yes. That's like.



Like, Oh, yeah. No, I know how this works. Okay, fine. Four together, and then you get a 72 hour hold. Then they put, Oh.



So you've had the serious times. Nobody's come up with a support system for these guys. Like what the fuck? Because think about like, how many, like demon stallions I have exercise versus, like, I.



Was thinking that Dean was implying, like, Hunter's. But you're right in. Dean's implying this is all the people. These does what does.



All of people and hunters too. But that's all the people have exercised or have been exposed to what they've done. And then I think Sam and Dean are not the only hunters. And so there's other ones on top of all the people they've exercised. So there's all these people that are like extremely traumatized with zero support system. And if they talk about what happened to them, they get.



Their bad shit. Yeah. Oh, no, this is this dark. This is so door.



Is very upsetting. But wait, this episode gets darker.



So. Yeah.



Oh, it's it's so I just.



I know this is Jeff's read so weird. Jeff tells Dean the demon had a special place where he kept things. Yeah. 32.



Yeah. We're just going to go to hear.



His side of the.



Nest where he nested and he didn't want to tell them before because he didn't want to go there. But now he knows he has to.



But, um. Okay, this once this all sounds like a red flag to me, but I do have hindsight. But either way, I would think Dean should be like, Why? Like, why is this?



This all seems weird. Like.



What other now.



I'm starting to wonder.



I don't know.



So this point, I start to wonder. I'm like, Man, maybe the demons in him and like, playing it all for something's going on.



Maybe they feel like they didn't do the right test or something, right? So then we get back to something that's even more upsetting. So we go back to my precious library was just being defiled.



Oh, yeah. Because Lucifer gets tired of reading about the annual rainfall in Hackberry, Texas, and decides to which.



Is a real place, by the way. But Hackberry is also the thing that you just name all the plants here. It's like whenever like, do you know that? So, like, whenever like I was a kid in like there was a plant, they'd be like, What is that my dad be like, That's a hackberry. So every plant I visit and it's a hackberry, every plant, a hackberry.



I don't know whether Dad's did that or does mine, but whatever. So Hackberry, Texas is real, and the Hackberry plant may not be.



I think it's a real it is.



Real because the plant has.



It's just all the.



It's not all of it that it has it it does have like, like thorns in it. And it's very like it's painful. I know.



Back well.



Not for what it was before.



David Lord Right. How Lucifer, I guess, is born of Sam not acknowledging him. So he starts making the gifts also. And all of the people in the library that, that are sitting at a table start beating their faces into the dusk until they're bloodied over and over again. It is fucking distressing. It is.









And Sam is just like the Oscar of the year should go to see for just like he's like the best poker face. Like he's just not, like, reacting.



Not really. But that just means how much fucked up has Lucifer been doing it? Showing it, but he's just because he presses the presses his hand and it just stops. Everybody is fine and back to normal. It wasn't even. It wasn't real. Oh, How is Sam operating at all?



I like it. I, I really hate this for Sam, and I hate it for me having to watch Sam go through this. So Sam, does he somebody hot following Marjorie?



Yeah. So he's watching that. While Dean and Jeffrey have pulled up to an industrial site because, of course, they have. Well, there Selznick's.



Like it's like a fence or something, but you can't really tell what it is. And there's not.



Really a lot of there's a lot of graffiti.



But yeah, which makes me think so. Dean, you waited until after you left to call Sam to tell him where you were going. Like you're going to this random place with the crazy with the guy who, like, even though, like, he you saved him. He still just. He he was in a halfway house.



Not well. He's not well.



Like, I'm sorry. Like, I love all of you, but if you were in a halfway house, I'm going to call somebody and tell them that I'm going with you to places. Because I think that in Iraq.



We had a, you know, a mental break, you know, So.



It was a Tuesday.



That two.



Because nothing ever happens in your life. Dean Winchester So the the puppy is going to stay in the car. Oh.



Hmm. Or is it.



Dean's worried about a peeing and see little puppy looking slicker to.



His second cat. And back in the library, Sam sneaks sneaks up on our librarian. And the. You said the hot guy. I called him a creeper and sneaks up on her. And they are.



Just do.



And they are making out. So yeah. So he is not there to kill Marjorie. He is there to get it on. They are doing it on.



And on in the stacks, which as we all know is what I made your fantasies. Probably the whole reason. Oh, I went by the building where I got my master's degree in library science from last week when I was in New York. I just happened to be in the area and I walked past it. And this is I You said loans.



You're about to kicked in. I would do things if you were so expensive. Why are you so expensive? But and I never got to fuck somebody in the sack. So, like, I feel like that should come with the amount of money that I owe for having a library degree. I shouldn't have.



This in the stacks.



That should be part of that degree.



I think it's unfair. Here's your degree and here's your one pass for it.



Is your time to do it in the stacks anyway. So, Marjorie, you're my hero.



Well, we've got good old Jeffrey planning good. A little innocent role here. Like. Oh, well, he always made me blindfold. Or I would couldn't. He was in control. The dream was in control, so I couldn't see. But I can, like, feel my way through. So, Dean, like, lead me, you know, the spin door at the hall and the hall, they go in.



There's sigils all over the window in this big industrial room. And Dean's like, Oh, my God, Geoffrey, something bad here, You better stay still. Why go investigate this guy tied up to this chair? Oh, shit. I'm going to go help the guy to the chair, and the guy's panicking as Dean leans over him because someone is behind Dean and about to shove a syringe in his neck.



And they no. Yeah. Then we cut to some fat shaming from Lucifer who says that the hot guy, he really isn't that hard. He's just. I appreciate his look. I feel like perjury. Yes, These are looking guy leather jacket, you fucking with the stock. Since I have been you. I get it. But who is ever says that the guy is the boring sort of chubby chaser and she's not even remotely HIV?



I hate you, Hollywood. And. But just like the fact that like I was. Hopefully so I.



Thought I heard that and I just, like, blew it off and did not want a real person because I was like, she's that the same. I was like, That doesn't even make sense.



It doesn't I wouldn't have the transcript. So I was like, yeah, he. GROSS It's just. GROSS But I think it just grosses me out because I just know somewhere there was this casting aside where they're like casting side or they're like, we need a chubby girl. They're like this normal sized woman. Okay, fine.






So Sam is getting Dean's voicemail, which again, just drives me insane.



Which I do like. One of his messages. First messages is leave your name number in nightmare to no damn. Okay, Appreciate it.



That one. That's all this over.



So either way there, we now know that neither of Sam Dean's phones are ringing. So as Lucifer points out, that's not good. This is bad also. But, Deb, you're missing something in the coroner's report. So now he's pointing out a clue, which is weird. So is he reading the files with Sam or is he absorbing it through Sam's brain because Sam's reading them.



It so is.



It just seems to subconscious. Yeah. So that is my interpretation. The only way that makes me not like Sam myself in the eye is that it's Sam's subconscious is rejecting itself as hell, Lucifer. So it's just kind of like, you know, you can.



But it can't just be trapped in his brain anyways. I don't know. So basically, they figure out, though, that, oh, there's traces of heavy tranquilizers in these newest victims. Blood, huh? Weird demons don't need those at. Oh.



What does that mean?



That means that somebody else is the bad guy. It's a human. Oh, no. So Sam goes to Jeffrey's room at the halfway house and searches it finds a cell phone screen like before.



Something that seems like a throwaway we will later learn is not. Sam acknowledges Lucifer and says.



Oh, you're right, you're right.



You're right. He tells him to shut up because he's just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. In terms of reasoning goes, Shut up and then walks off.



And we that does seem like a.



Zero right away. But they're learning how to figure out, Oh, maybe that was it.



It was not throwaway. He broke the seal.



It's No, he has to pee. That's it.



So Lucifer is in the room while he's searching. And now, like Sam and him are engaging. Like Lucifer's talking is like, Oh, those are illegal. Like the cell phone scrambler. And then. Then they go find a box under a drawer, and it's got a paper with, like, spells. And it looks just like the ones that Nora had in the exact same writing and paper and everything.



And it's to summon the demons first.



What he points out that the handwriting is like Nora saying this is fearful on how they got it right. It is like, Oh, right. Is our bitchin Wiccan.



Yeah. So now they've got to go see Nora. And so Sam breaks into Nora's place and Lucifer is kicking it at the desk watching as Nora likes to say, I'm on the back of this.



So why is it. Why wouldn't Lucifer warn Sam about she's coming at you? The man? I don't know that hole again is worse in time travel. So we're going to find out some interesting information from her between Nick and Nora.



Yeah, because it's basically she's hysterical. So it's all happening the way that said, and they can't stop it. And this slide tells and Lucifer tells Sam to hit her is just to shake her up. And Sam's like, No, I'm not gonna do that. But yes, threaten her. And she's tells Sam that, quote, He has my son and she is.



Sam's like, But why would you bring back a demon? And she's like, Not a demon. It's Jeffrey, you moron.



You tell me that it's fucking Jeffrey.



And I'm like, Oh, fuck, Jeffrey Super fucked up from being possessed is what I wrote. Oh, but I was even worse.



She did what is even fucking worse. So we cut to her that Jeffrey just loved the possessed.



Yeah. So back to the industrial site. Dean's chained to this chair. The other guy's like, So Nora's son, who never gets a name, by the way, is chained to the other chair, and he's kind of like he's unconscious, his ears missing, and I want to.



Be in response. And I even notice that part here, which makes sense later. Okay.



Yeah. So and we get Dean finally. Jeffrey is like, Yeah, no one asked you to get involved to save me or to save anybody. I liked being possessed. Oh, shit.



And so it's the love of his life, which is fucking pathetic because he's a goddamn serial killer. And this is where we learn that, Jeffrey. We start learning how much of a pathetic piece of shit Jeffrey is.



Yeah, because he wanted to be a serial killer, but he was too much of a bitch to do anything. He just wanted to be upset at the world and think about killing people. But then the demon came, possessed him, and basically gave him the power to him to go be a murderer.



But so we also learned that the list, duh was not the demons. Because demons are the serial killers, because they're not little bitches. So but I don't even get it. So like he says, the women had basically seen missile break, right? What does that even mean?



I think he's just that crazy. I don't think he means anything. I think it means nonsense. I thought about it too, and I was like, I don't even know what this is.






It's like his insecure he was projecting his own insecurities onto these women as they walked by and like said that it made like like he could hear their brains making noise or that they shouldn't even notice you.



And so. So, so.



And shouldn't even see you to react, brah. Anyway, I actually like and like here is like now, like, it's like, but like earlier on I'm like, oh, he's a handsome guy.



No, no, it wasn't like, that's what I was as I sort of as a lot. So.



All right, so we've got.



To go back to Nora's. Yeah. So this whole back and forth, right?



Mm. Yeah. And Nora's telling Sam, like, look, I kept tabs on him. I sent him on Jeffrey, I sent care packages, and then he came here and told me he wanted some of the demon back. And she's like, No, you need to go get some more help. And then in response, he kidnaped her son from his dorm. Oh, so she gave him the ritual and the sigils that he wanted.



And then then because the ritual didn't work, he Jeffries sent her son's ear to her.



You fucking psychopath. So. But also, the ear is very good. I know that. It was very well done.



It was in Sam's like, that demon's locked down because it gave up secret. They're not going to let it out. It's like. Like we're locked up in hell. Duh. She's like, Yeah, but I found a spell that will work. And also the only reason that, like, Dean's with him right now is because I sent him there. Because I sent all after him.



Troops is.



Up. And so the bodies were trapped, examined because summoning spell requires the blood of The Exorcist to banish it. So it's time for us to talk about some exorcisms. I have talk about something else, but the esthetic settings. And Jeffrey, I'm talking about as.



I say, I'm like, okay, it's pretty weird spot when exorcisms are less upsetting, but I think exorcisms are kind of fascinating. So let's.



Go. This is law. So I'm not sure we have really talked about the dogmatic practice of exorcisms in the Catholic Church. We kind of have, but it was different, almost sort of like, first off, did you know that according like according to the Dublin Catholic Dublin Catholic community, sorry, there's a word of the same the Swiss Army of the Dublin Catholic Churches Communications Office that the Catholic Church requires every diocese to have a trained exorcist.



Hmm. So there has to be.



I thought, something. I thought they had moved away from that. That's interesting. No, they.



s why it's interesting. So in:



So thank you the conference for having.



A communications department.



Yeah, thank you for having communications department and doing an FAA. Q Just so we can get some things covered, there is also an international association of exercises and they have an annual conference and it happens this week. And I was trying to find some of the archived publications about them and I haven't got there yet. They will without being I will find them without doing illegal things.



So okay, so some of the coding in this is again, this is going to be exorcism from the view of the Catholic Church, not because we can talk about it in a lot of other ways, but we're focusing just on the Catholics. And so according to them. So how would you define an exorcism? As I said, Dana, what is an exorcism?



An exorcism is when a religious person or not, I guess I say I go by Catholic background. So when I when a priest uses their religious tools of prayer and other things to expel a demon from a possessed person.



Sort of. But the Catholic Church makes a lot more vaguer of them that they say that an exorcism is a specific form of prayer that the church uses against the power of the devil. So those are some very specific, the vague words, right? Because you're going to see where the some things get thrown into an exorcism that you wouldn't think they were.



So exorcisms are divided into two kinds. There are simple or minor forms of exorcisms, and those can be found in two places. First, for those for preparing for baptism, the rite of Christian initiation of adults and the rite of baptism for children. Both call for minor exorcisms. So my interpretation is I didn't have time to follow that rabbit hole is that maybe, you know, when you're getting baptized and if you're a godparent or if you know, I guess if you're adult.



So if you're godparent, they ask you, do you like obduracy? And all this works, right? I think.



That many exorcisms.



I think maybe that's a minor exorcism, right? Because you're going against the power of Satan, right? Or they say, like, I protect this child against Satan. So maybe that's how that works.



Right? Huh?



And so there are also just like a series of prayers that can be used by the faith. Or do the minister of a minor exorcism is the designated authorized minister of the sacrament or blessing being celebrated? And so that can be done by the clergy or by the lay faithful, Right. So these are minor things that are only for, like many, Satan.



Many Satan's.



Little minor or minor reasons. The second kind is the solemn or the major exorcism, which is, again, this is important. This is all straight from their shit, right? So this is a right that can only be performed by bishop or by a priest with the special and expressed permission of the local ordinary. And this is under code of Canon law.



This form is directed at the expulsion of demons or to the liberation of a person from demonic possession. So that would fall under what you were saying. A definition, right? So this is the the major form is really where we're working either to expel a demon from a person, a place or a thing.






And one of their avenues may and he once receive a major exorcism, the following are able to receive the specialized blessing if it is determined necessary. One Catholics, two humans, three non-Catholic Christians to request it, and for non-Christian believers, provided they have the proper disposition, meaning they are sincere in their desire to be free of demonic influences. In cases involving a non-Catholic, the matter should be brought to the attention of the diocesan.



They asked the bishop.






So I believe that I read that as invalid.






Because I think you cover all your bases. Really? Yeah. You and those who are you?



Yeah, all the people. Oh, the.



People. Okay, so how frequently is a major exorcism performed? Quote, The frequency of exorcisms of this sort is determined by the credible need for the right. That is why establishing a diocesan scene protocol is important Through the centuries of churches move cautiously when evaluating alleged cases of demonic possession. The reason for this is not to deny access to members of the faithful who are in genuine meet.



However, the church is equally concerned the individuals not get caught up in a sensationalist mentality and thus create a sideshow affair. Although rare, genuine cases of demonic possession should be addressed in a balanced manner with the utmost care being intended to the afflicted person.



Damn, they didn't answer that, but they basically said We're not making this fuckin sideshow.



They layered the shit out of that as somebody who writes it, because I also, as I go through this, I realize this is also almost a crisis management plan and a crisis communications plan, which I do pretty much for a living. So it's like I get what you're saying here, like, okay, like this is what? But also like, we need protocol.



Y'all can't decide stuff. Like we need to have rules and regulations because Peggy, you fucked it up like, so. Well, fuck this up. This is why we have rules, and that is why we have a protocol. So how does a priest become an exorcist? So a priest may be appointed to the office of Exorcist either on a stable basis or for a particular occasion adopted by the bishop.



And I'm going to stop trying to say the word diocesan dioceses, whatever is they absences date tonight, as you say, is diocese.



Is it the diocese?



Yeah, I don't know. I've lost the ability to say that word. Probably saying so either way that the Exorcist should work closely with under that is there not a bishop? You've got to work with the bishop, right. So I think they're saying like you can be like an exorcist all the time or you can be exorcist like when need be, like you can get appointed.



But the next question is how we're exorcist trained and prepared for this ministry. Classically, The Exorcist has trained for this specialized ministry through an apprenticeship model working under the direction of an experienced exorcist. Additionally, in recent years, several programs have been established to foster the training of The Exorcist. And, you know, I'm going to get my hands on the fucking program.



So I will. I will have all of it. I want to see. I wanna see the training for this. You know what's good. So what, if any, rights in this text may be formed by the lay faithful over those of you who don't. So a lay faithful is if you're not a priest. So just like if I was a standard Catholic.



A practicing, active.



Practicing Catholic.



In good standing.



I don't know you to be in good standing and say the church.



I thought you did a laughing.



Well, I don't know who says so as as they said. As mentioned previously, the rite of major exorcism is to be administered only by an authorized priest or bishop if it is deemed useful, Members of the lay faithful may be present for the rite supporting the work of The Exorcist by their prayers, either recited privately or as instructed in the right.



So you're going to have your own special part that you say, but there's only parts, only like priest assistant, not priest, but priestesses. But Priest. Yeah.



So you're not priestesses?



No, unfortunately. But I don't know. Maybe the future, but not right now. No princesses. So when. But speaking of the female variety, it is is noted that didn't conflicted member of the faithful is female. There should be at least one other female present for the sake of propriety and discretion at no time should The Exorcist be alone with the afflicted member of the faithful, neither during consultation nor for the celebration of the right.



I am not over you safety. They said that for it.



But yeah, I mean because you know there was something like, Oh, I'm so possessed this father, you know, the demon.



Yeah. Priests have never done anything that was left alone.



Oh, no, I'm saying that's. But that's the use. That's the easy one. I know they've done terrible things. I got the other side.



So many ways there. There's many ways we all know about, you know, the slutty, possessed girl. So what rituals, Symbols are used in exorcisms and what do they symbolize? So in addition to the use of the Psalms and gospel readings and the recitation of The Exorcist, the prayers is a series of sacred symbols is utilized in the Rite, a major exorcism to begin.



Water is blessed and sprinkled, recalling the sensuality of the new life, the afflicted person receives in baptism and the ultimate defeat of the devil through the Salvific work. Salvific. Is that okay? Sure. We're here. Jesus Christ. The imposition of hands, as well as breathing on the person's face X is called. There's excessive lation e to the la tio in inflation by The Exorcist reaffirms the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the person as a result of their baptism, confirming him or her as a temple of God.



And then finally the Lord's Cross is shown to be in person and the sign of the cross is made over him or her, demonstrating the power of Christ over the devil. So basically you get water thrown on you and somebody breathes in your face and they slap the put their hands on you, and then you get shown a cross and then they make a crossover.



I I've met a lot of priests of them hugging breath. I'm just saying. Okay, so how may an exorcism ensure that an exorcism is not perceived as a magical or superstitious activity? Who The Exorcist himself can serve as a catechist in this matter? By the way, he faithfully administer the rights provided by the church in her wisdom, Fundamentally, the rights of actresses.



His interest in the church is fundamentally the right of exorcism are just one way The church tends the pastoral care of souls. Even souls are not of her flock. However, the more obscurely and mysteriously right is portrayed, the more magical and superstition the perceptions become. Given the superabundance of confusing and inaccurate information available in the public arena surrounding this particular topic, the manner in which this verse right is announced provides for a teachable moment to believers and nonbelievers alike.



And I am going to say I am sorry you are chanting things or wearing a special outfit and drug symbols. How the fuck is that? Not a spell. But basically they're saying if you get too flashy doing this, it's going to look magical. So you need to.



Keep it, keep it, keep it straight.



Keep it light, totally keep.



Don't No flourishes like key.



The power of Christ compels you like inside voice.



Try it. No English, not Latin. No. Yeah.



So that was the Catholic bishops. And throughout we have one slight, slight divergence when we get back to our app. Now we obviously want to get back to the episodes. I was like, No, I just need one more thing. All right. So aside from the Catholic bishops, I, I went down the rabbit hole that is in St Michael's Center for Spiritual Renewal, a nonprofit prophet Catholic organization that, quote, prays of people who are spiritually suffering in a need of healing, healing and deliverance.



They have workshops and trained, trained the clergy and the laity. They train people to be exercises to remember the programs that people are talking about and things. So this is one of them. There is a strong note on their page because this is note the St Michael's Center for Spiritual Renewal carries out its ministries with the approval of the Archbishop of Washington.



Know the deliverance prayers use, including both in rocketry and deep rocketry prayers and shared among those who make use of its services do not involve the administration of the sacraments, nor do they include constitutive blessings, their invocations of the grace of the Holy Spirit to deliver individuals, families and communities with the influence and power of evil, and therefore may be used by individuals or shared and prayed collectively using the means of electronic communication.



This statement is not an endorsement of any particular prayers. It may be shared by the centers.



We heard the attorneys wrote that to.



The attorneys of the the Archbishop of Washington did write that. So but this is basically a Catholic exorcism dialog. And on the show, you can find many helpful resources that include the following checklist of prayers for deliverance of exorcism, of infestation of an object, Instructions for Priests, Guidelines for Deliverance, Session of Place, some general rules for Discernment and Place for a second time.



We're going to talk about two of these. I am saving infestation of an object instruction for priests for next week. And because it actually does the reason for it, it's very exciting. It's a research, the last one and they go back to the first to the back one which is general rules for discernment of a place. A.K.A is this shit real?



Have you been possessed by Satan? Okay, number one. First try and eliminate first and foremost all natural explanations of the paranormal occurrences in the place. Two individual more than interview, more than one witness to gain a more objective view of the occurrences. Also two or more witnesses. Two of the paranormal manifestations give more reliability that what is occurring.



It's not something really psychological. Three Answer the following questions A positive answer to these questions would give greater credibility. The one is dealing with an infestation and will also help in determining how to proceed. Did any occult spirits you list are not spiritualist spirits? Did any spirits? This pagan activity occur within the vicinity recently? Examples are feng shui, witchcraft, sorcery, focusing spirit, trusting science or bloodletting.



Did a tragedy play feng shui, be it? Yeah. Yeah. No. fluctuateD seven, seven, seven move a chair beat did it? Tragedy like death. A murder occurred recently within the vicinity. See? Did someone arrive just in the place? If yes, check whether he was involved in a quote animal spirits activities. Was there anything new added to the place? Like an antique beer, an old painting, a good luck figurine, seaweeds, crystals and stones of God statue.



They could have evil spirits attached to them. Was there tampering or vitamin place? Were there any, like, rapes that occurred there to any sinful activity occur there? Have the press that includes drug sessions and homosexual encounters, had the residents plurals or had a misunderstanding with someone who had access to witchcraft or sorcery.



Access to witchcraft or sorcery.



It would also be good to check the history of the place, what was in place before the dwelling was constructed, a mass graveyard during the war, a place which was fostered and known to be infested with elementals. A positive answer to these questions would have created credibility that what is dealing with an infestation if it has been discovered that the infestation is connected with the person living in the house or place, he must be addressed first.



It has happened that when evil spirits attached to a person has been expelled, all activity in the in the place also ended after the interview. Make a plan of action for the president's residence. So this is better than what Dean Winchester was doing. They are making a plan of action for the people like that says.



That's good.



That's good. So, okay, so Winchesters take notes. Yeah, maybe not so. Your plan of actions should include, if present, ongoing, sinful occult animus. Activities must be stopped if present, Our cult infested objects like witchy boards, amulets, town talismans, figurines and pagan gods, statues must be disposed of. The person residing in the place if they have taken any part in these sinful occult animus activities must confess into a priest and also renounce them.



Three times in front of the Blessed Sacrament is Eric Holder's animus and nature. Nothing like witchcraft here at all. The persons residing in the place must repair and protect themselves spiritually before the deliverance of the place. Masses offer for their protection of the liberation of the place, conversion of all to be in the state of grace and therefore protected daily communal family rosary to seek the inner intercession and protection of Mary Mary consecration of the entire family wearing personal sacramental is like the Saint Benedict's motto and wearing the scapular for each person using holy water oneself before going to bed and placing exercise salt around the perimeters of the bedrooms.



Yes, we have ourselves. We ever saw this here? This can very easily have been on a checklist that you hand out at the end with jesters. Okay. Yeah. So the inhabitants also prepare the following for the scheduled deliverance, blessing, water, rock, salt and candles for the blessing. They may add a number of religious statues, medals, pictures and crucifix to be blessed during this session and place around the place after deliver.



It's a blessing. This is at the end of these instructions, which is why you should read them through to the end. So there's a chance there's a second one so that the first checklist of prayers for a deliberate session or a solemn exorcism where I read these prayers can be found in the app, Catholic exorcism. So yes, yes, there is an app for that, which of course I fucking downloaded.



Yes. Sign I get of there. I went through a bunch of stuff. I can tell you where things are hosted way. I have not hacked into this app, I swear. So on the front of the app you basically go in, there's a whole the picture of like sick medical assistant medical Center for Spiritual Renewal. You can check on prayer's resources favorites or in or contact.



You go to the prayers page. You can go to prayers or priest, exorcists, deliverance, prayers be used by any priest prayers for those assisting priests and exorcisms and deliverance, praying blessings used by priests, deliverance, prayers and laity and deliverance. Prayers for deacons. So scrolling through those ones is like, what are some of the prayers I can find in here?



The first one of them is the worst spa treatment ever, which is deep scrub with the precious blood in the fire of the Holy Spirit, huh? Yeah. I'm just. I don't understand that one. So you could also have there are some juried renunciation. So they do caveat. The Judaism is not an organized religion, but rather a collection of people who have generic beliefs about the supernatural world.



As such, these renunciation this are based on this generic belief.



That so they specify.



They're very specific that you have a prayer you can say to renounce or draw with them. There is a prayer for one who is eating something, defiling. So within it, basically they want God to grant permission to thy servant who has tasted even filthy meat or impure food, or taking anything from idols in which is bonded to unclean spirits, which thou hast forbidden to be eaten in thy holy law, and forgive him, who is for taking of such voluntarily?



So who accidently eat some unclean meat? You have. You have. There's prayer for that one I thought we might enjoy was a prayer for decommissioning tattoos. And so within it they can invoke the keys of Saint Peter and decommission the tattoo and break and sever each and every connection between that tattoo and the evil one and his associates.



You can exercise this image and the ink used to make this tattoo and server and etc., etc. There was one in here I forgot they didn't didn't plant put it in. But there is one for the technology that is used within the exorcism and it includes all the servers and the firewalls. Like literally go, you can go through there.



But to give you some more ideas of other people who put this app together, I would say don't forget to check out their blog where you can read things like Exorcist Diary number 262, The Dark Fruits of Witchcraft and Exorcism Diary. Number 255 Out Cut by David O, which I would like to put out. 20. So that is the practical knowledge of huh?



Exorcism exorcisms according to those sites. And I will say the first one, those are heavily, heavily, heavily churched. The the EP. I still like I was doing some back ass leg hand flip trying to figure out who actually owns that app and the state medical center like they are like, I can't tell a priest actually use it because they're priests on the St Michael's Center.



It right. There's one seniors who are running it. There is Monsignor is reportedly doing exorcisms off that page. However, I don't know if that's like if I was a priest like those. That's a training to go to fellow.



I got you.



Yeah. He's like, okay. Like there's Canon Law, which is like most of the exorcisms follow the Canon law and those are different from the things that are on that app. And they said that the right is a this sacramental, this is different.






I know. It's fucking fascinating.



I like that the rating for the Catholic Exorcism app is 12 plus years old in case you aren't now.






Recommended age requirement.



Yeah it's not tracking data on you that that helps.



Sure sure.



I can do the exorcism to get it to get this stuff back from.



I guess maybe. Okay.



Oh, so we have to hear it. I don't want to set the scene.



We don't want to do it. So I'm going to do it like we're going to skip past it a little bit. We're going to go. Jeffrey has a bowl of blood of Dean's blood that is dripping out of The Exorcist.



One thing, though, Sam wants her to use Jeffrey, the era of her kid to do a lot of tracking and in Lucifer could be proud her. And neither could I guess. He is just like, use barbarian. He is Egyptian. I want to say that they practice. They're starting to use like we're starting to see Winchesters use magic more and more and so forth.



It outright seems like, Yeah, hey, let's use this and do a tracking spell, which is like, you think about it, that's kind of like they haven't really done this before.



Like, suggested someone use a spell.



Yeah. Yeah, like this tracking spell. It's fine. It move on.



So we've got Dean's bowl of blood in a bowl and blood balls backed up. Blood bowl and he's, like, trying to, like, now his monologue in real hard because he knows Dean so well because Dean tortured innocent man to get that demon that just was really revealing of your character. And it's so desperate to save the world.



Using serial killers monologuing like this. Other victims.



I don't know how to know how awful. Anyways, and he's like, talking about how how, what a wreck he was and he was suicidal. And Dean Dean says we were all thinking, he's like, I don't usually endorse suicide, but what stopped you? So anyways, Allen stopped.



Allen stopped him and the program. Right. The the program really helped him to focus his goals. And he learned there is nothing without his demon. And I do think it's interesting kind of this take on the 12 step a little bit, just kind of like I don't know, I thought that was an interesting kind of side thing. So then there's a scene that happens and I fast forwarded through.



Then we go to Dean.



So Dean calls them a sick son of a bitch.



Yeah. And then nothing happens. Then there is some dramatic summoning.



That very dramatic summoning the whole building shaking and stops. And then is Jeffrey possessed? Nope, nope, nope. His son is.



No shit, you dumb fuck. Right? What the fuck were you thinking was going to happen, Jeffrey? You piece of shit.



So he breaks out of his little chair that he's tied into and hugs. Jeffrey Thanks. And they do a real awkward dance.



They do a waltz with the supernatural with you pointing out that one of Alice's seminar was. They're talking about dancing cheek to cheek and stuff like that. Maybe a demon thing that was here, but I don't.



Well, Jeffrey is upset because he wants the demon inside him, you know, And his and the demons just so monologuing at Joffrey now. Oh, you did? Yeah. You haven't. You haven't forgotten what I taught you. You built on it, You capture in tests, Winchester, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I'm done with you. Sorry. And gets shoved to the ground.



Jeffrey. Jeffrey, get shot to the ground. So Demon says that Dean is trying to break away, and he's like, Wait, what are you talking. What is going on? Like, what? You find this postal worker and that goes postal. This is like what you do as a demon. Like, why? What is up with this? Jeffrey sits and demons like, I'm a talent scout.



I got to find the next generation of superstars before they get to hell.



Would you really? Yeah. He's a talent scout for psychos, But it's kind of interesting if you think about demonology in general. Historically, demons have had, you know, like, there's like this, like there's patron saint. So there's basically, like, demons that are like, I am the demon for this thing, right? I'm the demon for I'm the demon barber of Fleet Street, whatever.



But you know what? So I think we've kind of ever seen this with some of like the demon with Becky, who was a crossroads demon. But then we have this. So I think this idea, like demons, kind of like having their own kings and fetish anyway. Job or their job, right? Like this is, this is my job is I go out and I make people aware.



Zero Guillory Or is this help? People are already going to do bad shit and help them do more bad shit.



Yeah, which is a lot of religious kind of theory about what the idea of evil is like. You were going to do it anyways. I was supposed to along.



Yeah, so. But Dan's like, What about this body right now? Duh. And demons. I go, Yeah, I know. It's not that I'm going to burn this meat off on the way to Vegas.



Yeah. So he had. Yeah. So at least Norris son can't be a serial killer. That's nice.



That's good. But then Sam's there and he clocks him and Dean escapes, and Sam gets demon flames, and there's a devil's trap on the ceiling. So the demon gets trapped and Nora's very upset. Jeffrey tries to intervene, and so Dean shoots. Jeffrey and I stand to Jeffrey. It's kind of anticlimactic, actually. Like in a.



Yeah, Jeffrey wasn't.






But it's kind of like, that's all you get, Jeffrey, is I shoot you, but Zora gives him like the John Wick in Babbage energy and like, exercise of the shit out of his demon and like, a circuit freeze. So good for you, Laura.



He'll never have his ear again.



You put it back on. Well, I know Sam destroyed it. And tracking. So sorry. You can get a new figure like a me, like a bionic era that I'm sure is like a smart ear now. And, like, you're going to get all sorts of, like, special things for your new ear. Whatever Nora's kid's name is. Sorry, I didn't get a name.



They never had a name.



You never get it on because the demon cocks worked out, you live or whatever. And we get back to the hotel, and this is where we lost motel. This is where we learned that the bedspread is not great.



No, it's all right.



This is me. We're disappointed enough now. We learn the bedspread sucks.



Yes, And there's just talking about how Jeffrey was pretending to be a victim and all this stuff. And, you know, Dean's just talking about. Oh, a psychopath acting normal. You know, like, not like, say, like he's not crazy. And you can kind of see, like, Sam hesitate because Sam's been vacant, that he hasn't been a Lucifer and dating for a while.



Well, I tried. That didn't work. So there we go. And now Lucifer wants to talk to Sam, and Dean goes to sleep and saves on his hand. But it doesn't work anymore because Sam talked to him. Oh.



You let him in. You let him in, and now you're fucking on fire.






When you're sitting in a bed of fire. Yes. With Emily. So is it actually burning. Is a comfortable like is that just like, warm? I don't because that could be soothing, right? Be like, oh, nice. Wasn't my fire.



And I don't know that very clear about that.



But he gets you Sam gets his How is that we have somebody we I'm like he's is in hell I get I don't I like is how was fire I since fire I know I used to work for them so I said out loud okay so he is he gets hellos and Mark Pellegrino's a genius. So I'm putting him on the show, but he's a genius casting couch.



Yeah. Let's get our cast. So good old Geoffrey was played by Russell Sams, who was in did not done a ton of acting. Interestingly, he was in a few episodes like CSI, Ghost Whisperer and was Hurting. And Richard, in the movie Rules of Attraction, Nora Havelock, as played by Nicole Oliver. Interestingly, most of her acting credits are voice related, so she's been an actually a voice director of several of the Lego animated cartoon series and the 23 Strawberry Shortcake.



bunch more. She's also in the:



You may have seen her on the Outer Limits, The L Word or Arrow. She had did multiple voices in that Sausage Party movie, the animated movie Nightwatch.



And then I know is not that I don't know why like I know which movie like that's the Seth Rogen movie. But in my head the I immediately went to Funny get Fingered didn't like that. Oh no it's I know it's not that movie I wasn't there.



velation and was Billy in the:



s of Dead Like Me Smallville,:



Our library creeper was played. That's what I called him. It was not a creeper, but you know, you're hot dude. In The Stacks was played by Christian Sloane. He's been in episodes of Fringe, Smallville, Arrow, Hell on Wheels. He was a reoccurring character. He's been in a couple episodes of Riverdale and Batwoman, and he was a girl named Jay in the movie Star Trek.



Beyond a more recent one and was the unsavory man in Twilight Breaking Dawn. Number one.



I wonder and kind of pinpoint which one he was in. I can't. I'm betting like when she goes to they go shopping in Seattle or wherever they go shopping or shopping.



Oh, this is Breaking Dawn one. Oh, this is way later.



This way, later.



I know. That's why it's weird. So I got to about it. Yeah. So I thought that was it. So that's my casting couch this week.



Virgo. So what do you think?



Fuck this episode.



Okay, I think that's how we're going to end it. Cheers.



Cheers, Bitch. Davos Trap podcast is l don't get a connection to.


Speaker 3

The Devil's Trap podcast as part of the Ship IT Studios Podcast Network. Thanks for listening to this week's episode of Devils Trap podcast. You can follow us on Instagram, A Double Trap podcast, Twitter, The Devil's Trap Pod, or you can email us a Devil's Trap, A Devil's Trap podcast. Com Don't forget to subscribe, leave reviews and share with all your friends where it all your favorite podcast outlets and a Devil's Trap podcast scam.


Speaker 3

I'm Babe, Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time.

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About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

Watch the videos on you tube @devilstrappodcast
Follow us on Twitter at @DevilsTrapPod
Follow us on Instagram at @DevilsTrapPodcast

About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz, the maker of the Lore is a ne'er-do-well Texan, you can find her in the spooky places.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana is watching Supernatural for the first time and loving every minute. Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 2 large dogs (+ the husband/Babe).