Episode 14

Published on:

20th Oct 2023

7:14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

Hold onto your unicorn shooting rainbows out of its butt, we're talking about SPN Season 7, Episode 14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie! Hang out for the pop quiz and guess what gross things were reported at Chuck E Cheese!

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On this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast, we've got penny whistles, Ball Blaster.



And Seabiscuit, the Impaler.



Let's do this.



Right friggin now. On this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast, we're talking about Season seven Episode 14 Plucky Penny Whistles A Magic Menagerie.



Hi, I'm Diana.



I'm Liz. That was your speed. Does not need to be adjusted. That was just very efficient.



Oh, yeah. Yeah. Here we go. How are you doing? I'm all right. Well, you've been up to.



Oh, so it's. You know, it's spooky season, but, you know, every day. Spooky season for me. It's you last night. Yesterday. I have no idea what day of the week it is. Yesterday, I got to go to Austin and go see Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, who are trying to make up for money they did not get during the writers strike, which makes sense, but also good.



And then they ended up doing like five shows. They kept selling out, but it was that best concert hall, which is, you know, on U.S. campus. So it's been a while since I was there. But that was really fun, except one of the things that we're driving up there and we're going up 35. And then my friend goes, Oh, you know, they're closing the glass coffin.



And so they're closing the glass coffin, which is the vampire Goth store in Austin. That and stars these and a bunch of other things are getting torn down for eminent domain. So thank you. Fucking tech. Start for making me lose my favorite vampire store.



That's awful.



Yeah. So what is it from? Based on what I read on their Instagram. So because Joey, the vampire store was leasing from. So the leasing. So the the landlord is getting a chunk of change for that, but they don't get shit. They just get 90 days to move out during probably their busiest, you know, like hella leg. This is like their Christmas.



Right. Like, right. They're going to lose a bunch of money. And I was this is a bummer. So hopefully, you know, those guys like wish them wish them luck and that they find a new place because you know, you just need a place to go buy vampire shit sometimes. You do? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They also have done like that's where they, you know, I've, they've hosted a lot of events for kind of the paranormal community.



So I've seen things there. I've seen things.



They're seeing things there. Hopefully they'll find a new location or not.



Yeah. I'm also like star seeds, man. I've been going to that cafes since I was 18 and it was like that was like when the few places that were the few places, but it was like when the awesome vegan punk rock places like you could, like, you know, like, and they had everything. It wasn't just vegan, but like, you could take your vegan friends or you could take veg friends.



They're like, all of you could go and you could go get breakfast. And it was openly so after show. Like you go there and like, go to like it was.



I I've never heard of it. I don't know.



I don't know that one. Yeah. I was just like, this is this place of 35. I used to go there after shows all the time, so. Bummer. I'm sorry. Yeah. I hate time. I'm war stupid and it's all my going to fix the fucking problem. You're not going to fix 35. Just give up. You cannot fix that. It's just broken.



You need to, like, just give some spaceships that just, like. Like, jump over that shit or something. Like, until we get spaceships, you can't fix 35 there.



No, it's pretty bad.



Yeah. So what about you?



What have I been up to? I've been. I went and saw my friend play a show so far. Nathan Mongol Wells play. That was fun. And then I went and started making a disco ball riff. And then. And it's then because I didn't realize how many disco balls I would need. Like many months. Obviously. And then I went and saw John Waters speak after eating Texas Ethiopian barbecue and yeah, I guess that's Texas.



Ethiopian barbecue's very good. I'm jealous.



It is.



So good. I'm jealous of a lot of those things. You know what? Your cookies and and Oh, yeah.



I made Halloween cookies with my with my niece and they're super cute, but it's like a cookie. Can't really decorate your own. I've never I've never used that royal. I think that was my first time playing with Royal. I think I kind of enjoyed it and I was like, Oh, I want to do more with this, but I'm stressful.



It's just sugar, basically sugar and water. It's, you.



Know, just like getting it to like, set right and like all that. It's kind of stressful, like playing with like getting artsy with it. I tried to get all like, where you swirl it.



Yeah, but now I just want to, like, I seem.



I always want to like, I think if I had to choose, I was drinking wine. So I have a little bit of I see.



You and your blood sugar problems.



I know it's lame, but probably probably good for me to have some limitation.



Hey, at least you a problem. At least you have that self-control. Because I would probably just be like, whatever. I'm going to have a headache.



All I did last night. Are you kidding? I ate a cookie. One of those cookies. Oh, and then. Okay, so the you know, the. Yeah, I think my mother's brand.



Oh, the circus. The circus.



Animals. The circus have icing on them. Yeah, I.



Have some coming. I think there's actually a movie outside right now.



Have you seen are they the spooky ones You? Because I was very excited about that.



I resisted by them in the store and then they were on sale during Prime Day and I was like, Oh.



Yeah, Mother's frosted cookies, the limited batch, eerie critters, and it named on the bat. It's like cute kitty, spooky kitty bat bat like it. Yeah, like they have names. It's hilarious and they're delicious because there's, you know, circus, there's so addictive.



I will you sit there and eat that entire bag and then I'll be like, Why can't I lose anything?






It's so. So that's cool. Yeah. So this episode, I think, is going to be is kind of timely for that in in just general swing family news. There was a fun thing that was dropped on Twitter from the gen V Channel, which is the boys spinoff and it was the post said as it was from their actual account and said this Friday, hide your grandma dies and then insurgents and as soldier boy and then he goes surprise motherfuckers and I meant to leg I've got it recorded and I meant to have that set up as a ah soundbite, but I didn't get around to it.



So we'll have to just, you know, play it in some other time because I don't think if I do it here, if you're going to hear it, say it to, could you hear it? Damn it. That's really weird, cause I was like, Hi there. I will, I will insert that, that file there so everyone can hear it. Then it was yeah, it's is dancing, just going suppress motherfuckers.



And so he's going to be the fifth and six episodes of GMB, so not sure like what they're doing. That's about basically the young people who like, want to become superhero heroes and that show. So we don't know. There's talk of like maybe like there's going to be a Soulja Boy spinoff or something, you know, since him and his wife have that deal with their production company, his deal with Amazon, I'm not surprised.



Right? Yep. Interesting.



But also it's just ridiculous how hot he is.



Just like he's sassy and catch back up on that show behind I'm the Voice.



Yeah, I don't I don't recommend watching the first episode of the last season of the Flame noted.



Just say, Oh, are you talking about that? You talk about that. Yeah.



Yeah, I think I would actually. I think I'm going to watch GMB on. I've got some very long flights that I'm taking the greyhound the sky.






My favorite. So this episode. Oh did you, where were you. Was it. It was a good episode for you.



I found it entertaining.



Oh you were it as excited as I was. Okay.



No I liked it I thought was fun. I was like I thought was super. I thought super fun. But yeah, I enjoyed it.






So it was just not what I expected. Like going in. You're like, What the fuck? And it was way more entertaining and dark, but very normal.



So I'm glad you didn't know like what you were getting into. So there's.



No idea.






So we're excited and I think it's timely and seasonal for right now. Since we're in spooky season, I feel like it's a good episode to watch now.



I agree. It was very that's I thought of that while I was watching. I'm like, Oh, this is a favorite. I wonder if this aired during the season.



It did, but it aired right, right before Valentine's Day. So it was a love episode.



Sure. Sure. So we open with Sam being chased through a parking lot. It looks kind of like an industrial area and hiding around the car because he's freaking out and being chased by clowns.



He looks terrified. It's like.



Super, super.



Scared. And as he's going to be just kind of muttering to himself, if it bleeds, you can kill it.



Yes. And and he busts into like an empty and empty. Like abandoned like an closed garage. I don't fucking know. And like, tries to barricade the door, but a clown with really bad teeth gets in anyways. And there's another clown. And then we get our intro graphic with a burst of colorful confetti glitter.



Bomb to see what a bomb. And then we get a very weird countdown clock. I don't understand this clock.



60 hours. Why?



Yeah, the.



Damn amount of.



Time. I don't understand why they chose to do it this way.



So we've got the countdown and we've got Sam and Dean in a parking lot daytime now. And Dean answers a ringing payphone, and he has to use a secret code to identify himself. And he is super. Not stoked on using a payphone.



No. As as nobody was or is. I don't think you can be as we are, as everyone would say, like you with a payphone, you mean? Yeah. So. But he does also have to give a code word, which is I am the eggman.



Yeah. And we hear only hear his side of the conversation. We get a Fred Savage reference and he clearly wants more Dick Roman info.



Well, no, not only a reference of Fred Savage is now have been taken over by a Leviathan.



Right. So Fred Savage is alive then too. Yeah. And then so he gets off the phone and Sam immediately goes, So we got Dick on Dick and Dennis.



And that terrorism is that's just where we start. Roland Right. Okay. But Sam has found a case in Wichita, Kansas.



With pick peculiar death and Dean's had sets down ground rules, though no babies, no baby mamas, no bars, no booze and no chicks of any kind. And Sam is very shocked by this. But Dean says you spawn a monster baby and see how fast you want to get into the pool.



Yeah. I also think, like, he'll last, like, 10 minutes. So we cut from this to a dead guy.



Dead guy covered in circular welts.



Hickeys wounds.



And apparently it was caused by a giant active, a 30 foot giant octopus.



That is a very large octopus. And it sounds adorable because not only was he a giant octopus, which we all know are freaking cute, and I started really feeling guilty about eating octopus, even though it's so delicious. Like last week, I was like, Oh, here is this tasty octopus. And I was like, Yeah, you're so smart though, but not.



What you asked me.



Out. And then like, But you weren't smart enough for me to not be eating you, didn't you? So this asked this man though, because he wasn't just like suckered to death, which is what I call he also bled out because.



He had a big bite in his neck.



By a vampire.



Sure. And the coroner is identifying it as a more likely since they're in the middle of fucking Wichita, where there's not a 30 foot octopus living up to the giant Pacific octopus. He calls it a freak fetish attack. Or he thinks that the marks were faked and then he was bled out.



No, no, it was an the vamp. It was a vampire puss. That's what did it.



So Sam and Dean go meet with the widow, and they're asking their normal, like, spooky guy questions, like, does it feel like home?



They go through a little bat wings.



Actor Bat.



Go here, be as an actor got like so we audio vamp whatever like you know a bat and then we'll just have a little bat wings. And he's got a top hat.






Obviously he has a top hat.



That goes without saying.



Yes, clearly, maybe a monocle.



But that has the monocle state on, though.



Who's monocle say, on anything. How does a monocle say?



Well, I think you're supposed to, like, stick it in, like hold it with your, like, face muscles.



Well, I'm sure an octopus could kill, like, the serum anyways. Okay, so.



Though the widow thinks they're wonky for asking why the house is different and they ask if anyone would do them harm. And she's like, No, about all of this. But she's like, But by the way, we should also ask the nanny if anything weird was going on because of course there's a nanny.



And she's bitter. She she is like, you need to talk to Stacy. So apparently their Raj was not great and she doesn't seem that upset because are like, how do you go from like being this upset that your husbands that do like your job to Stacy?



Right. Well, and then as they're leaving, we see a young girl who's the daughter watching Sam ending leave is dead that love triangle. And he's going to go see the nanny. And sounds like it's not a good idea, but Dean's like, too bad I'm going anyway.



Well, seems like I thought you said you weren't going to be around hot girls years ago. How do you know she's hot? And clearly she was just talking about it. So awful. A little girl at the top of stairs is fucking creepy. Don't do that. Like, look, why you're going to Harvard is, like, not talk Like she.



She her mom didn't want her to be part of the interrogation. So she is just sitting there.



Sure. I know she's creepy.



Spying on her parents. So Dean's asking at Stacy's and he's asking about her relationship with him. She's like, Oh, no, it was normal. There was nothing going on. I was there late because he was working late, But oh, yeah, yesterday was his daughter's birthday and she had a birthday party at plushies and he showed up for like a few minutes and left.



And her mom was out of town. The fuck? No wonder that child look creepy. That child's going to murder somebody or end up on a pole. Like things are not going to work out well for Kelly. Like, it's just she's not going to have a good life and things like she's not going to therapist right now. Maybe Stacy can be like a good role model for her.



I don't know. But things are not going to go good for Kelly.



Well, and that didn't help that some jerk had told her that her parents didn't love her.



I mean, is that child wrong?



But it's not very gentle, very nice thing to say, to.



Know that the child was a dick and she should have probably punched that kid. And that was as good should have happened.



But yes. So and then she's like, and there's something really weird at the house. But Kelly has a thing about closets because that's where her monster is. Oh, so Kelly has a monster in her closet?



Yeah, that's. That's healthy. Okay.



And so Dean leaves and calls Sam and tells him he needs to talk to Kelly without tripping the Amber Alert.



Because there's going to be a lot of this, just like single young men talking to children alone, young children. And this doesn't look good.



Well, doesn't. So Sam, like, awkwardly approaches little Kelly while she's drawing on the sidewalk with chalk, and she's like, Yeah, I'm sorry about if I talk to you because of what I told the police. She's like, I told to try to warn Dad that the monster was going to get him. But anyway, then her mom calls her in and Sam notices that she's been drawing a giant monster across on the sidewalk with bangs.



Oh, then I goes out for Halloween. Some the.



Actor vamp.






Right. So we cut to another nighttime scene of a guy running through the woods at night being chased by a horse, maybe. But he jumps a fence and. No, no, this is not a horse. There's a fucking unicorn. It impaled him from the back with its horn through the fence.



And it's horn that sparkles. And then as it runs, it shoots literally rainbows out of its.



But it does it.



It's so I remember when this came out like and I watched it for the first time on TV and I lost my shit. I remember just dying and just being like, Oh my God, what's a unicorn?



Yeah, no, I was pretty excited. Pretty excited. So we get a flash to the quote unquote now, which is where Sam is in this garage by.



Classic cut two. Now dot, dot, dot, side.



So Sam tries to shoot the clown sets after he reminds himself, If it bleeds, you can kill it. And he shoots him twice and you don't get any blood. It doesn't hurt him. You just get a spray of glitter.



Glitter, poof, glitter. And these clowns just kick his ass.



And they're laughing the whole time.



They are really disturbing. But now for no fucking reason. We're going to go back 36 hours.



36 hours and 36 minutes. Dean is like, I don't know, but Dean is at the unicorn crime scene. It's like unicorn crime scene needs to be like either a band or an album name. Very excited about unicorn scene.



There's this sound like a He sounds like a hipster band, though.



Yeah, that's true. And he's like Pikachu. They do a really cool shot. I thought, where he's like, looking through the hole in the fence, just like, think that's really cool. And they're talking to players. They're like, Yeah, we know it's a horse, but we don't know what random through. Maybe it was like a Lance. I don't know. They can't figure it out because obviously no one's first thought is fucking unicorn.



So Dean, you know, awkwardly, rudely interrupts the widow who's trying to go inform her son that dad's dead to say, have to ask if yesterday was her son's birthday. And she's like, No. But yesterday his father took him to a friend's birthday party at his home.



We have something in common with our victims.



Right? Yeah. So Dean calls Sam and asks. Asks to ask him a question about pledges. But the more important part of this seem much more important. Part of this?






Is the motel.



Exactly. Shut the fuck up. This room. It's.



It is. It is kind of a bizarre, hellish Tiki room. I'm not going to lie. It gets kind of fucking weird and, like, a little bit, like, I don't know how to describe, like, I got a little bit of, like, what was that Nickelodeon show where they, like, battled on, like, a pyramid? It was like a whole, like jungle theme one anyways.



Yeah, a little bit of like a weird, like, set. Like I have a set vibe, but it was so fucking rad. The Tiki Motel is fucking rad. There's like, lights in the walls. It's just so cool, so honest.



It's so good. I do definitely want to stay there.



So anyways, so basically.



Dean asked Sam if he remembers Lucky's and Sam just gets a weird.



And apparently Dean would just dump him there. Well, he went to go head on chicks and he fucking hated it. And that's pretty much. Yeah. No, he ties inside of the reason why it's hide the reason why, you know, hates clowns.



Yeah. All this sounds like a horrible thing to do to children.



Yeah. Yeah. And I like Dean's statistic that he shares that 99.99% of clowns can't hurt you.



I think it's prob. I don't know if that statistic is accurate. I feel like he may be airing a little too much. I'm pretty sure it's probably more like 36% of sounds. When are you that low?



But so anyways, Dean's going to go talk to this kid while Sam goes to Lucky's and he's making him go. So Sam goes and you can tell he is freaked out. I used to be to this place. This kind of thing is.



Just sort of in the trash is disturbing.



Yes and no. Like, I don't know. So don't get me wrong. Like I remember I remember very much liking Chucky Cheese as a kid. I also remember now that Chucky Cheese was kind of disturbing, but this is like a weird, like, primary color Chucky cheese. And Chucky Cheese was not. It had like a cool, like, dark arcade vibe with this crazy animatronics.



This place is kind of like, terrifying because it's got like super primary colors and a little like Dash of Krusty, the Krusty the Clown vibe going, It's fucking weird. And the animal tronic clown that they have at the entry is is horror material. That is nightmare. That is nightmare fuel. I think it was awful. Yeah.



There's just there's just clowns everywhere and a guy in a lion suit for some reason.



Yeah. First it was the manager. He said they'd have something. I don't know. It's. It was weird to me. This is not thematic. This is not make their brand is. Don't make sense. But I decided that that was not the argument. Anybody who wanted to hear from me about this. So Sam's getting freaked, but he sees a female employee who's a mother telling her kid that he has to hang out there for three more hours and he has a bomb.



And I'm.



Trying. Yeah, I try very hard not to judge this Moms. The reverse is I get it. Like childcare is expensive. Like we live in a world like I. I understand. I'm trying to make some kind of pitch, though.



It's a shitty situation.



It's a serious situation. Which kind of bitch.



You know, she's also kind of oblivious. That's the stuff that bothers me later. But we'll.



Get better. Yeah. Yeah. So. But this kid just is not happy about him being bombed.



Super bombed. Well, Sam notices a wall of kids drawings. You know, things like this. Like kids draw in, like they'll hang them up, like, Oh, that's cute. Oh, this is fucking terrifying. Like, who traumatizes children this way by asking them to draw their deepest fears?



It seems like a not great idea. Oh, yeah? Yeah.



What do you get The regulars like monsters and sharks and witches. But, like, interestingly, there's a couple of nameplates up there. Oh, the two kids whose parents fucking died, Their pictures are missing. That's strange.



Yeah. And Jean, the manager says, you know, like, they don't really put up the scary things.



Which is hilarious.



Hilarious. Since I'm getting slammed like Dada, there's like, Oh, shit, this guy, you know, this is getting dark.



You know, this kid's got real problems like those. Yeah. Yeah. And she said that, like, oh, you know, we she's like some pop psychologist and, you know, suggested this and the owners obsessed with, you know, aiding in kids development and then she uses some good air quotes. So it's like the whole concept as they draw their, their you know, worst fears and then plucky makes them go away because they face it down or some dumb shit and then they don't carry that fear into adulthood or something.



I mean, you know what? It's it is very good for children to work through trauma instead of carrying it through them, trying to deal with it as an adult. And things are coming out here, you know, in clown makeup and you're 40. But but, you know, like maybe not doing this a bad place.



Yeah, it's a choice. So Sam asks her about Jean, the manager, about Billy, and the young man whose father was impaled by the unicorn. And she refers to him as the conniption kid. And he's like, Wait, what? And she's like, Oh, no, no, not the kid, the dad. And basically dad was forcing Billy to leave before the party was over, before a cake or presents or anything, and he asked to stay and it's I went full frontal douchebag and screaming.



Fuck, that dude screwed. Yeah. I'm glad the unicorn stabbed you. So.



And then I guess and then we get. So that's kind of like a break. While Sam's pondering that, Saul, our janitor, calls Sam over like whispers from Nick over, asked what he's investigating.



He's not. He's not good at that. He's, like, trying to be like a nut over here, but it's like, Yeah, yeah.



They come back after closing. Too many. Too many years.



There's too many eyes. Too many as to hell. Yeah. So we go back to the best motel ever. Yeah. And, and Chinese food, like, in the best way with, like, the has little chopsticks attached to it. That was like I was like, I can't need to stop ordering food like me will get Chinese food.



New York Chinese takeout in their Tiki room and it's adorable. And Sam comes in and Dean asks him what the lowdown is on Trauma Town off. And and so Sam's is like, look, these are my preparing parent of the year. But it's it as well. You know, I don't know what's happening here yet. And so Dean's like, what are these like they're kids.



Like, kids dream these things up and it goes after their draws these things and actually goes after the victim. And to have like, yeah, the two drawings are missing those. We can't really, like, verify that yet. So and now.



Like, and this is like a continuity thing like is taking the drawings but like they're still they're.



Yeah it's very weird it doesn't make sense He's got.



Maybe just like took specific ones.



Maybe. But this is where Dean really starts with all the fun renaming of all these monsters. And it's super amusing, like little Miss octo vamp and, you know, and unicorn stabby. Like, it's just like, all these fun things. And so Sam asks him, So now unicorns are evil. He just says, Yeah, obviously they say.



Oh, I don't want our team. Who said evil is bad anyway? So we go from that to pluses.



Genes now on the register and poor Souls just wants to check out and like clock out for the night. But no, no, he's got to do a full sanitization of the ball pit because a kid puked in it.



When it should not just be sanitized all the time into. It's time for our quiz pop quiz.



You got me. It's like a ball at the second ball.



Pop quiz. I don't know where Ball two is. So many ball jokes. So you are the one you brought up earlier. Chuckie Cheese is plucky is is very similar in love with you know based on you know Jack Cheese so but there's this is a horrible thing that happened there and cookies and horrible things have also happened to checking cheese And some of them are too horrible.



We're not going to talk about them. We're going to talk about the fun, horrible things that have a checkered cheese one and give you a list of things. And you're going to have to tell me which of these are made up and which of these actually happened. Mostly based off the list I got on Ranker.



All right.



So pop, pop, number one in a Chucky cheese in Connecticut, a 12 person pop, 12 person brawl broke out after two women bumped into each other following a manager's request to tone it down. All right. Definitely. Oh, totally dead. Yeah. Like a bunch of cat kids got her. There's, like, a four year old who got here, but also, like, Hey, manager, don't tell two women to tone it down like a series.



You say that like, you know, like a rat heads getting pulled off and, like, throw it at somebody you can't easily tell him. Don't get emotional, okay? It's like in Parma, Ohio, a group of people attacked five employees at a Chucky Cheese location due to anger over a malfunctioning photo machine.



I must say that happened also.



It did. One person reported being slammed into a table and receiving an uppercut from a customer. And unfortunately, the people who attacked the people, the employees, and fled. By the time the police arrived, they got away with it.



Huh? That's fun. Yeah.



Number three, a woman named Wanda Jackson from Walterboro, South Carolina, ended up in jail after a visit to Chucky Cheese where she tried to steal another woman's phone, leading to a fight over the phone. And then the victim spitting in her face. And then things just took off.






Yeah, That totally happens. Yeah. All right. This was so awesome. That was.



I want to bet that about half of these happened after they started serving beer at Chucky Cheese, though.



ber four, also in New Jersey,:



Yes, and she should. Don't fucking shove a two year old.



Yeah. No, your ass would have been eating a skee ball.



You get an ass with.



The skee ball, would have actually gone up in your butt.



So, yeah.



Even if it wasn't my kid like this reference yet, everybody would have killed you. You're not just hurt you. Also, that sounds like a fun weapon.



So into the box, skee ball in a suck it game.



He retired series officer confronted a stumbling man to stop him for bringing an eight inch knife inside Chucky Cheese. Yes. Yeah. That also very much happened. He was charged aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of weapon for an unlawful purpose and disorderly contact and was transported to the Passaic County Jail on $25,000 bail. Yes, that was also in New Jersey.



I see we're seeing a trend here. There are a lot of these, not all, but a lot.



Of these.



Stories go.



Where is this jersey? Okay.



This was Chucky Cheese in Jersey.



This was not in a New Jersey. It's in Costa mesa. Was that California.



I think have.



To like it's California. It sounds right. Yeah. I do feel like two men were arrested for smoking heroin and a Chucky cheese bathroom.



Yes. And that's it sounds like helpful.



Yep. That really did happen. Yeah, they saw the cops. They're there to meet their drug dealers. Drug dealer? Police did not know whether the suspects had tried to sell drugs to other people at the pizza restaurant.



Or on the.



Move. In:



d then they were watching the:






Harmony, Also, you need a therapist. I hope I have your favorite. All right, how about this one in Seattle? KOMO News reported that Charles is a man from Olympia. Use three children, ages seven, eight and ten to help them steal purses.



Yes, that happened.



Yep, that happened. Okay. In:



This all happened.



16 young workers operated on site trash compactors and that was in violation of the law. They also allowed minors to run a dough mixing machine illegal you evil evil bastards.



That seems that's say that's just that's a little extreme like why can't they run that over machine in the trash compactor.



icago suburb of Naperville in:



Obviously, that happened.



That did not happen. Actually, I.



Read that one oh.



Day at a Chucky Cheese in Bellville, Illinois, a child found a bag containing a white substance on the carousel at the pizzeria. The mother of the child said management refused to call the police when they were presented with the powder, and the manager asked to just sit there, backing away.



That's I feel like that happened.



That happened. She apparently was not happy with that answer. But also I probably just feel like that's just throw the bag out like.



By what are they going to do all this baby and like.






Or we have to lock everybody in here and interrogate you one on one. Like, you know, I guess that's answer kind of.



Yeah. In:



In fact, that happened.



It did. He totally grabbed your boob. Oh, Chucky. Mr. Cheese.



Cheese. Mr. Cheese. Settle down, sir.



, she is being disruptive. In:



I mean, they blame him.



Now that that happened, His mother said, I'm mad. I still am. That's his fourth birthday. Picture is ruined. That's no way to treat the child. The employee was fired. I'm sorry, lady. You got to fucking. That's the best picture. That child is living on the internet forever.



Whenever he gets older. Oh, my God.



I put that shit on a shirt in. In suburban Pittsburgh, a Chucky cheese turned into Thunderdome and a fight involving many as 50 people broke out during a one year old's birthday party.






Yeah, that happened. It started outside when a father of a boy was.



I want to go Pittsburgh. Okay. I remember hearing about that.



ide, so. And your last one In:



Oh, I don't know. I go with. Yeah, why.



Not? Know, That was a fucking hoax, But it was posted on Twitter and everybody thought it was real. And like, they were like, Oh, USA Today is like quoting this, So check your goddamn news sources. Like people were stolen from Chucky Cheese. Okay, Legally, first I was like, that wasn't.



I didn't think that one one as much out there.



Was yelling is yelling at the people.



I know, but but the but the animatronics moving in that I could see people reporting that.



Yeah. Because I'm pretty sure that happens. I mean that's just not reported like I know like they come alive at night.



Those things, those things.



So finally fucking freaky as shit.



Lay didn't think they were scary as a kid. Now they're creepy. Oh, no. Weird.



Yeah. No, they get leg. But also like the older s.



Imagination allows you to like in there. Well, the technology then. It was not. The technology wasn't what it is today. So see more press it.



Just and your imagination.






They just got sadder because they got ratty or because they didn't replace them so well.



No, that's I think it's all like I like all cartoons now.



I kind of want to go find all those like they have be for sale. Like, Oh my God, that would be the best Halloween yard ever. I have something new coming out for next year now. Oh, so also, just an aside now, don't ever let your kids have you have them worry when you just don't go and pulpit.



Oh I want to go in the ball pit so bad I love the ball pit stop ever so gross.



It's gross So according to Reddit, there it is like hey was one guy was like, oh, no, they are rarely cleaned. We didn't clean them. They would just put them in like net bags and then drive through a carwash. This one is great. They're researchers from North Georgia State University identified 31 bacterial species and one new species in the investigation of six full pits in pediatric physical therapy clinics.



Oh, now in Georgia.



h, so they found these sample:



It's very upsetting.



It is very upsetting.



That's not that's not the heartwarming video I saw the other day of a dog in a ball pit like that in somebody's house. They had like a kiddy pool and they filled it with balls for their dog and it was joyous. That's why I want to do that.



Also covered in your dog show.



So now I don't want to share it with my dog. I got my own private ball pit. Dirty sounds really dirty. I saw my own private ball pit anyways.



Yeah. So we're going to cut from four back to the balls getting sucked through the tube and like, really like, I don't buy that. That gets any of the balls, much less all the balls sanitized.



It's a lot, I imagine, how long that would take. But also.



Like, how would you know? Like I would just like, did I just get the same ball they just cleaned?



Wasn't shooting it back in? Well, I didn't know where they were going.



It looked like they just went back in. I mean, where else would they go? I don't know. Like this is.



Always our ball containment.



All of these like these separate the blue balls.



The balls from Red.



Bulls. So he ends up getting bit. And also, this is terrifying. This is very, very scary.



Yeah. He gets bit, he's bleeding and then he gets pulled under and he's like struggling and he gets he's finally frantic and he looks around like he's going to make it. And then we see the balls moving like something's under them. He gets under and there's big blood splatter and he's dead.



Yeah. You don't know what's hiding under the ball pit, so I. No, I don't want to go in a ball pit. Like, maybe if they were clear balls. I only take clear balls. I will. I will. I will be in a in a ball of. But no, no, no blue ball with.



So it's now nighttime salmon dinner at Pluck is because it's a crime scene So and Gene's also.



Going there anyways so salmon supposedly it's hard to sell. Remember they're supposed to meet up. Oh, that's true. So I think they were going there in the house and they're just like, Oh, shit. Like.



Oh, so they know Saul's dad. Gene's upset and they think that the something about the ball washer is what killed him.



The what?



The ball washer. What ball? The ball.



Watch. Hey, I like that Gene made Sam say it like, three times. I really did appreciate that. I also think, like these pair of medics, like they're very good sports for these random dudes. He just came up and, like, showed, like, flash a bag and badge and we're like, Can you stop doing your job? And just stand here off in the distance?



Why? I look at this.



Yeah. And the phones and we're all away. And Sam's like, By the way, Dean's like, By the way, Sam, do you know what that was? That's a fucking shark bike and had to be at least a 20 footer because apparently Dean is big fan of Shark Week and Amazon.



Yeah, I honestly don't think you learned that I'm Shark Week, so.



That was really weird. It's a weird fact. How do you know that it's on TV like that anyways?



Whatever. Yeah. You can't just put a sharks mouth and then just be like, I'm sorry, Dean. Like, that's how you told the sharks. Really? Is this.



Well, what's real? Hornets? And they go inside Plex's, which is now a crime scene and all the lights are off.



So my guess is like so because I was I also go to this. It was like it's now totally dark. There's no activity at all. I'm like, did they come back looking like they were going in there? Right? So, like, everybody has left Wookiees.



They all they.



Just like.






Where they turned off all the lights, there's that we will deal with this tomorrow.



This is done. Or just like, oh, we're just worrying about the other side of the building. We're just going to ignore them. You just care.



For the building. We only care of this little area. Just care about this parking lot. That's it.



So they realize that one of their drawing, another drawing is missing from the wall. And it's Omar Cooper's drawing who is not connected to Saul in any way. They have not done zero research about this, but they already know that Omar Cooper has zero connection to.



What they know. Omar They there's all this. He's just so I was a racist. They would not like to ask him.



Damn. So Saul is like they're so and they're upset, though, because they know Saul has something to tell Sam And Dean's like, okay, so this is not all about, quote, ganging a dick weed parent.



So but I want to make it fine. And I had to check something to make sure. So he's a whistle blower. It's it's like he's setting whistle blower. Oh.



That's funny. I like it. There we go. So we've got they're basically figure out what the monster is. They don't know what it is still, but they're like it's something they can fire off. Childhood fears at will. And then Dean continues down his list of making up names for these monsters. So now we've got the the back to Dr. Fauci.



Those sounds adorable.



It has the Seabiscuit, the Impaler and Landshark and Shark. So they're going to break out their arms and split up. But that's it.



Now. So waitress trust. This is where I are going I my sympathy level first start bet I know she's having a day girl you're having a day.



But I can't have a day every day.



You can't have a day every day You take it out of your kid like that. So we just Mom is like, pulled up and she is like, you've got to take the bus.



Same parking at work. Here's your here's a quarter. Go take the bus.



Quick out of my car. Here's some change. Like it just okay it's.



Very awkward and leave and he has to leave his drawing of a robot with laser eyes smashing a sitting in the front seat.



All right. And then we get to now. Okay.



Sam's just still getting beat up by clowns. Yeah, he's getting thrown. It's fighting back.



Is he in to a truck? In the fight? Does start to take a turn. But then they're struggling. And we all know when some juggling starts, like you might as well just give up. Give up if you hit fight juggler. So then, for no reason. We had the 4 hours earlier.



4 hours and 34 minutes.



Yeah. So right down the minute. So I was like, this is because I knew they didn't mean anything. I was like, This is stupid writing it.



Oh, they made the right choice because they decided it is time to go do more research. And they decided to do that in their amazing Tikki Motel room, like you said.



Yeah, I would be like. So we got to do more like worst things that the room right? Like, and I just keep making excuses to go back there.



So they're, they're researching, but you know, they're just really stuck. They just don't know what the, what the monster is.



Yeah, maybe it's a doper. It's not a doper.



So. So Sam's like, We need to go back over there. Dean's like, It's pointless. Where are you talking about? Like, now we're going to go back over there. I'm going to go fucking hardcore bad cop on all these motherfuckers, and then you're just going to watch them and see if they act weird and then follow them.



Okay, Whatever. Is the plan, right?



It's a plan.



But Dean's like, So I'm just going to be a pervert. Yes. Yeah. This is not. It's not a good look. Don't go. Middle aged men or women, middle aged men in general, just don't go hang out at children's pizza places by yourself.



Not a great idea. So Sam goes in, roll hard. He's going to go interrupt Jean and he's going to talk to her. And he's like asking her how business is. And she's like, Yeah, you know, not even grim. Death can stop the fun, but the ball pits closed. So corporate here. And he's like, look, I, I don't believe it was the ball washer you're I need to talk right now.



About let's play.



The washer. So he said well that's why he's while Sam's taking Dean off to interrogate Dean sees his dream come true.



Oh, wait, she didn't say ball washer. She's okay now. She says that after this. Okay, so before this jacket. So Dean screams about to come true.



Because he sees a kid retrieve from the prize center a giant slinky. And then. Hello, giant slinky. I have no use for one. I don't even more put on myself, but damn, it sounds fun.



Yeah, it does. When you see that look in by her. Like kind of a flip that. Can I. Can I put that on some stairs? I've got some stairs.



I know.



Oh, my God. How would the cat deal with the slinky on the stairs?



Oh, shit. How much?



It should take my money. Okay, so he wants to get his slinky. We'll see the slinky on, But.



But now Howard won't let him buy. It was cold, hard cash he wants. He only takes coupons. The tickets or whatever.



Tickets went through hard work and determination.



But double ticket to the double ticket Tuesday on the Skee-Ball.



And Howard so we got to this is so Sam is trying very hard to be bad cop and he's not he's not good at this but then jeans as Bob Blaster.



She's as a ball blaster. No ball washer You're right.



That's how I was like, wait. Is like, oh, don't do it. And waiting to set ball, blaster, blaster ball washer and ball blaster and the ball blaster. Oh, so I feel like that's also league. So somewhere some dude has called me a ball blaster at some point probably this week sucking ball blaster bitch.



So she's like look I've only been that she's very much like she's like, I only heard the ball blaster. I've only been in this job for a couple of weeks. This is, there's a lot of competition for because you get benefits. And I wrote an essay because I have two semesters of college. So what kind of is this?



Yeah, I'm sorry. Also, like, if I was ever a for emotionally told me you had to write an essay, I'd be like, That's cool.



No, no, I don't want it that bad.



Billy. I got of the highest order.



Seem kind of weird anyway.



But it's plug ins and cult like thinking league. The owner is obsessed with, like, Kids Development League. I'm sorry to hear some, like, claims on this. And maybe they got all this wrong.



Oh, well, do you go to ball? Well, Dean's playing skee ball because he's going to get that motherfucking slinky.



Is that your favorite? He was. Is that your favorite game There? I love. So.



I don't know. I'm not great at it, but I love it.



I fucking hate cornhole. That means.



I don't know.



I only want to be a ball blaster. So he's not doing well, is he?



Ball until he turns around and isn't watching what he's doing. But either way, he follows Jane when he sees her exit quite quickly, looks out on the loading dock and she is lighting a joint.



So your fatty going.



And so he takes Sam Hi times is not our girl but now Sam is going to interrogate Howard and Howard is very enthusiastic to take Sam's business card and thank him for his service and all the.



Fun. I'm so impressed. You're a special agent. That must mean you're very special. Yeah. Yeah. Murkowski's people as kids. I'm sorry. There's the way He's like, Did you check the sex registry? Howard? Howard is on for something. He said something.



Just could just be unwell.



You shouldn't be in. He shouldn't be in a this. I feel like there's.



Somebody that wants.



To be made of.



Somebody that's.



Like per Megan's Law. Howard can't be in. They can't work in fucking her.



Well, out of the Skee-Ball machine, Tyler is now out there calling out this other kid for cheating at skee ball as he crawled up the ramp, which is cheating.



It is cheating. And so part of me is like, Tyler, you're a fucking snitch, right? But also, like.



I didn't know, tattle on him. He just called him out directly.



So I was like, Oh, yeah, that's like, what? I really let the dude, like, get his tickets, right? But also a, I don't know, like, Tyler's not your business. Go mind your own shit second. Damn Tyler, Like, so, like, but then, you know, like, also this kid looks like a jerk. So.



So Dean comes up and tells the kid to knock it out the the the cheater to knock it off. And he does. And those Tyler Indian simultaneously call him a jackass.



And then Dean seals his tickets.



Yeah. And Libby tries to force Tyler to eat some some trash pizza. It's like from the trash. It's just shitty pizza and Dean's like, Oh, no, it can't be that bad. Hey, Mom, Some slob.



Tyler says the pizza tastes like, but.



Well before he says that. I like that. He's like, You know, Dean's trying to, like, commiserate with, like, Oh, yeah, My dad used to call me around places. She's just working hard and exhausted. He says, Take pity on the old. And I was like.



Damn straight, you should take the old were very, very tired.



And then that's when Tyler said, This stuff tastes like. But Andie's like. And so he takes a bite and he's like, This tastes like it.



Does it?



It's pretty funny.



But also the kid is scared of robots and they cause they have laser eyes.



Obviously. So Dean sees Howard exit his interview with Sam, and he just thinks he looks pretty normal as he's interacting with the kids. So he's a tech Sam now, so must not be him. But next up is the lion. And our good friend Cliff is our good friend. Lion is is, is manned by a guy named Cliff. And Sam goes hard right off the bat and says, Why did you do it?



Yeah, I think you know, what is the lions trying to, like defend himself but then Sam says I'm the federal government. I can do whatever it's like. Stop it, sir. Stop talking.



Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer, sir.



But then the lion. Then the lion throws his head at Sam, and it's.



Just, just hilarious. So for me, it's just like, okay, here's the hit.



Yeah. And he is able to pull or tackle the lion into a pile of tires and the lion starts head is that this is about the meth lab. My brother and I have the same fingerprints.



Like he's what are you doing? I mean, but also I know, like, how desperate, Like how you just need to get people to work at places. Man, I get it. You're not running. You're not running. Background. Some people that I'm just like, Oh, God, I'm not running back.



And so Dean, just as he's like, You're not using kids nightmares to smoke people. So I don't care that you break bad or whatever, but something weird is here. And he is like, Oh yeah, this cliff's like, very forthcoming now. He's not no, he's not getting busted for his meth lab. He's like, Oh yeah, the subbasement is totally fucking creepy.



When I used to do shrooms with Saul in the ball pit after hours, we would hear shit down there.



Which that like I was doing shrooms and involved. It sounds fun. So there's a.



You said you wouldn't get one.



I mean, again, it has to be like my I had to like by the balls, like I have to have purchased, purchased, leave all.



But I feel like it was this episode like a like a subtle homage to Bobby just talking about balls a lot.



Jamie Oh, wait, I mean, we catch that now. You So this is the to Shroom and then Spooky sounds will be coming up from the boiler room.



Yeah. So we cut back to the main area and Tyler is upset because his drawings are missing and Libby is just has no patience. He'll draw another one and Tyler and Dean have a moment. And Tyler disguises this. Tyler decides to be, like, a little nicer. They send his mom and go with her quietly and the kid and mom's impressed that he does this.



But Dean realizes that that means that the robot pictures missing, which is not ideal because a bitchy mom plus a sad kid plus a placemat of something nuts equals a wacky corpse.



Yeah. Yeah.



No, it's good math. That's good math. I like that math problem. And so this math, new math. Sam goes out to follow Libby because they think she's going to be next while Dean goes to investigate the boiler room.



Not done. Done. Then don't go in the basement of playing in my head and then down in there there's a burning firepit sitting in the sigil. Oh.



Yeah. Not subtle at all. At all. Also sounds like a higher fire hazard.



It does, but it also kind of looks like the ones like there it is heated by gas that you just like keep on your foreheads. It just kind of because it has to with like I consider burn on it so yeah right he's got some sort of gas thing that's going in there so it just needs burning all the time.



So I mean, but clearly nobody ever goes in this business.



I mean, obviously. So it's like weird old stories. It's a kind of cool like that's where you find your old buck and creepy Chucky cheese animatronics in this basement. But yeah, so old decor and yeah, and there's a unicorn carousel horse. Like, I want to go play in space now and play there. I want to go scavenge in this basement and get the fuck out quickly.



Yeah, I was like, What? The lights to be turned on a lot. That too. Just because there's no reason for this to be that dark with so many clown heads lying around. That doesn't seem like a fun thing that I want to do.



But this seems unnecessary. Unnecessary lack of light. But there's a bunch of drawings on the wall of like some kid in water, and then there's some weird figurines or book of, like, sigils and spells. And we see Tyler's robot drawing on the table. And of course, Dean has his gun because duh. And here's someone say, drop it. And his their bitch ass.



Howard's there. Howard and Creeper, He's a psychopath.



He also has a gun.



Yeah, which is weird. And then Dean calls out. He's like, This is some pretty heavy hoodoo. You know, I've never seen anything that could just pop out a unicorn. He's like, he starts, you know, we get a little not really a monologue, but Howard kind of explains, like, there's power in fear. A child draws in a little bit of that, mojo ends up on the page, just needs something that the parent owns, too.



So he's got to have something that parent owns and the kids know Joe from drawing.



Well, because basically then you're using the parent as the target, right? So, yeah, but you know, the spell makes sense. Like if you think about it from a fear standpoint, that being a strong emotion being like, yeah, these kids are generating this like strong emotion and then I'm using that to attack things. So what? Okay.



Yeah. So he's saying to do what he needs to and you know, Dean's kind of like, hold his hands up and letting Howard do his thing, and then he grabs the drawing of the robot. He turns it have says no drawing, no Iron Giant. And Howard's like that B-word is still on the list because he's a bitch. He's a bitch, not her.



I mean, she.



Has she's kind of bad, but. Yeah, but you can't call her a bitch because he's bitch. And so he is like B-word.






But then he also says he's a bully, so maybe he meant bully.



I guess. Well, Dean's got a taunting m about what are you going to shoot me? And he's like, I've got a way to take care of bullies like that FBI guy. Because remember, Sam was tend to be tough. A guy. Oh, no. That means that now Sam's the target because he pretended to be the bad cop. Oops. Whoops.



Indeed. So he's he's like, Yeah, I mean, I saw you all taking off Chase Cliff, I already got his business card. So in a drawing from the collection, that's it. Boom. Well, all the while, Sam's still stake is taking out Libby's. He gets out of the car to watch the house. Why? I don't fucking know what it comes face to face with a clown, huh?



Huh? That's not good. And then we get. Do you get kind of a funny flash to to present, which is a a subtitle. It says right friggin now.



And that to be him. A hashtag that was trending during this time on Twitter.



Okay, right frigging now.



Bring it down. And then we get kind of a montage. You review Sam's actions.



I just basically go back to the intro, same thing. And now Dean is asking Howard about these figurines, though, because on the counter there's also like a figurine of like the lion, the clown, like whatever the figure, the characters, the plucky characters, basically. And he's just like, oh, plucky helps kids. That's all I ever wanted to do. And then he admits that he was passed over for the management spot.



He thought he deserved it, so he's going to use it his way and his and he's like, Yeah, it's all about bad parents. So and then Saul had a big mouth. A good parent always puts kids first and then points out he's like, Wait, So like, you know, parents dying is from, like really scary shit isn't really when the kid's first.



You know, you entitled a little piece of shit. So you thought you deserved to, like, get this management role, would you? Did not. Nobody wanted to read your fucking essay, Howard. So like, and then you're just going to take it out of these other people, you little cunt?



Yeah, And. But Dean's like, Huh? What? What are these pictures of the wall? Tell me about your brother pieced together. This must be Howard's brother on the wall. Ooh. And Sam is still getting is asking.



I hope it's Howard's brother. Otherwise he's got weird pictures like, of him. Like, um, children, so.



Well, basically pieces. The other being the drawings and the photos that Howard's brother drowned is what Dean has deduced.






And deduced. And Howard's like, my.



Folks didn't.



Listen. They let him die. So basically, Howard thinks his parents are bad because his brother died in an accident. And so Howard went cuckoo bird. That's what I gathered, is that you gather.



That his brother was drowning, and then he went to go tell his parents, and then his parents ignored him. Probably because he talked all the time. And then they went to listen to Howard. And so then his brother died because they didn't want to listen to him.



That's like that. Pretty much So Sam still getting his ass kicked, but kind of kind of fighting back. Yeah, it's getting. Seems like you get a little bit in there. Yeah. And Dean's like, Yeah, here's a drawing of the dead kid drowning, and he throws it on the fire along with one of the figurines, Wood. And right as he does Howard starts shooting towards Dean.



But Dean dives and gets his gun. But wait, what happened? Who did Howard shoot? Not Dean. He shot the ghost. His ghost little brother who is like drowned boy, which is really creepy and sad standing there.



But it is sad. Yeah.



It's three gunshot wounds in him, and he's trying and Howard is trying to tell his brother that it wasn't his fault, but then his brother just touches his hand. Howard falls to his knees and starts spitting up water, drowning in the basement? Yeah.



He drones it without any water.



Huh? Oh, yeah. So? Well, this is all happening. The clowns are running at Sam, and suddenly, right when they're about to hit him, they explode into a glitter cloud and they're gone for.



The glitter bombs to. And I bet the Jared Padalecki is still getting glitter out of his hair. Like, he's so funny. He's so funny.



It's gotten. Yeah. Forever for ever back. Plucky Sam arrives, covered in glitter and Sam's like, just fucking own it. He has now he's like, Let's roll, Bucket, Let's go. And just waiting for Dean to say that. And Dean says, laughing. He said that you look like you were attacked by PCP crazed strippers, but Dean's like, whatever. So Dean apologizes for psychologically scarring Sam for specifically for the pluck, his stuff.



And he's like, you.



Know, it was a shitty thing to do, like leaving kids in in entertainment arcades by themselves. This the same thing earlier with the shitty, you know, shitty parent, whatever it is. Like she was putting that child on a bus by himself. Well, you're lucky the child isn't just being kidnaped right left. He's part of the child that shows up online.



Chucky Cheese. You don't realize it until, like, they get me until, like 11 p.m. who's like, Oh, shit, there's Tyler. You never know. Some kids are very.



Independent that way. They decided to.



Kidnap independent children. He was a child.



Unknown to Sam. But anyways, Sam makes a Juggalo reference and that made me very happy. He goes, Boop for you.



Thank you.



But we get, you know. But he's kind of just like. Like it was kind of therapeutic. Felt good. So it feels like he's kind of like, not as fucked up by clowns now, which is cool. And he has giant Slinkys for them. Yeah. And then Dean tries to give him a plucky doll.



Like clown phobia sobriety chip, which somehow gets lost in and left behind.



Yeah, because I don't think it's all gone if you're not. If you have your phobia. I mean, you still like them?



Yeah. Yeah, It's the fears, right? You can't even have some therapy, you know. It's going to take a while. So do we have some? Do we have some cast members.



Who casting couch?


Speaker 4

Is the casting couch what they do on that show? Time with that guy here.



La la la la la la la la la la la la la la.



We do, we do. We've got some cast members. All right, so casting couch. First up, we'll head Howard. It was played by Michael Blackman. Beck He honestly has a very short resumé online, just like literally one episode of CSI. And he was impressed. Impressive character, impressive in the Babymoon. Very, very small baby.



He recommended it as a lark.



in the Power Rangers movie in:



character named Joanna on the:



No, that one.



That's a new one. Who is it? Is it Cranston? I think so. Bryan Cranston. It looks good. I haven't watched it. Yeah.



Yeah. Breaking Bad.



Yeah. All right. Kelly Harper was played by Who's the Little Girl Who?



The octo actor up there. Vamp after whatever. Jacob.



Gosh. So Ali Scobey, she's been in episodes of Smallville Fringe and Once Upon a Time, and then she was a recurring character as young Tully in the TV series Firefly Lane. And then there's Tyler, the young man. The boy was the boy who was left behind by his mom, played by Jacob DAVIES. He's in episodes of Smallville and Fringe.



He was a character named Teddy in the movie. If I stay and a reoccurring character of Pinocchio in Once Upon a Time, Mr. POGUE, who was the guy killed by the unicorn? He has He's a stuntman and a stunt driver coordinator. He worked on things, everything from Blade, Trinity, Inception, Irobot's, Sonic the Hedgehog, Deadpool two and more. So pretty, pretty extensive stunt career.



The supernatural.



Yep. There we go. So that was a fun episode. The the getting killed by his dead brother. Dead ghost brother at the end was by Browning was real dark and dark.



But it's still you know I.



Know it's I thought it was a fun episode overall though especially I enjoyed watching it this time of year, especially since we're so close Halloween season. Not that it's Halloween. It just seemed like it because, you know.



It just does. I think it's just because of the clown clowns. I mean, I guess.



Yeah, creepy, creepy clowns feel very Halloween for some reason.



They become a Halloween thing. I mean, obviously, we've got we've got Penny whistle the Clown, you know, So which is a sure not a coincidence. Oh, so anything else? I mean, beyond there isn't a unicorn shooting get magic out of this.



But no. And amazing.



All right, So.



So that's it?



Yeah, We'll end it there. All right. Cheers.



Dispatch. Devilish travel time as is end. Don't get a connection.


Speaker 4

The Devil Strap podcast is part of the Ship IT Studios Podcast Network. Thanks for listening to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast. You can follow us on Instagram, a Double Trap podcast, Twitter, The Devil's Trap Pod, or you can email us a Devil's Trap, a Devil's Trap podcast dot com. Don't forget to subscribe Leave reviews and share with all your friends where it all your favorite podcast outlets and a Devil's Trap podcast scam.


Speaker 4

I'm Babe. Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time.

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About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz, the maker of the Lore is a ne'er-do-well Texan, you can find her in the spooky places.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana is watching Supernatural for the first time and loving every minute. Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 2 large dogs (+ the husband/Babe).